xhhuanglab / OutcrossSeq

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OutcrossSeq is a software package for genotyping and imputation in the recombinant populations of outcrossing plants, based on whole-genome low-coverage resequencing data.


You can download the source code and the Demo data here:
https://github.com/xhhuanglab/OutcrossSeq You can download the Docker container here:

docker run -it -v $PWD:/docker mjchenjojo/outcrossseq:v1.0
#$PWD is the path of your data and perl scripts, you need to put the script and the input vcf file in a folder


The code is implemented in perl (v5.16.3) and can be run from linux shell. To run OutcrossSeq the following libraries and tools should be available:

  1. R version 3.4.1
  2. Statistics::Basic module
  3. Number::Format module

Software structure

There are three modules in OutcrossSeq.

Data preparation

The input file of "Diploid-Outcrossing" module is variant calling file of two heterozygous parents and all F1 individuals (in VCF format). See Demo data: demo_diploid.vcf

The input file of "Double-Cross" module is variant calling file of four inbred parents and all offspring individuals. See Demo data:demo_double.vcf

The input files of "Autopolyploid Plant" module are two separated variant calling files for parents and offsprings, respectively. For parents, variants are called in polyploid mode, for offsprings variants are called in diploid mode. See Demo data for two hexaploid parents: demo-Parents.vcf and their F1 offsprings demo_autopolyploid.vcf

Getting Started

For details, please see Use cases. "Diploid-Outcrossing" module

cd Diploid-Outcrossing

perl system_diploid_cross.pl 5 100 0.6 0.3 0.35 60 1000 100000 parent1 parent2 demo_diploid

Parameter Description
5 chromosome
100 quality threshold we set here as an example, and SNP sites with quality below threshold will be filtered
0.6 miss rate threshold we set here as an example, and missing values greater than the threshold will be filtered
0.3 heterozygosity between 0.3 and (1-0.3)
0.35 start cuttree threshold
60 sample number
1000 min marker number in each window, at least 1000
100000 window size (<1cM)
parent1 the id of parent1 in vcf file
parent2 the id of parent2 in vcf file
demo_diploid the input file of the vcf file

perl diploid_cross_step4.pl 5 5 demo

Parameter Description
first 5 start chromosome
second 5 end chromosome
demo output file's name

"Double-Cross" module

cd Double-Cross

perl system_double_cross.pl 16 17 18 19 5 100 100000 1 6 demo_double

Parameter Description
16 17 18 19 column number of four parents;16—parent1,17—parent2,18—parent3,19—parent4(Caution: 16,17 should be inbred parent1 x parent2 ,the column 18,19 should be inbred parent3 x parent4. If mix up, the result will be wrong)
5 chromosome
100 quality threshold we set here as an example, and SNP sites with quality below threshold will be filtered
100000 window size (<1cM)
1 the first sample order
6 the last sample order
demo_double the input file of the vcf file e

perl double_cross_step3.pl 5 5 6 100000

Parameter Description
first 5 star of chromosome
second 5 end of chromosome
6 Size of the population
100000 window size (<1cM)

"Autopolyploid Plant" module

cd Autopolyploid-Plant

perl system_autopolyploid.pl 5 0.08 1 50 0.9 3 100 Parent1 Parent2 demo_autopolyploid-Parents demo_autopolyploid

Parameter Description
5 chromosome
0.08, 1 depth range from 0.08 to 1
50 min SNP marker number of each window
0.9 cuttree
3 select min cuttree marker num
100 quality threshold we set here as an example, and SNP sites with quality below threshold will be filtered
Parent1 the id of parent1 in vcf file)
Parent2 the id of parent2 in vcf file
demo_autopolyploid-Parents the input file of the parents vcf file
demo_autopolyploid the input file of the offsprings vcf file

perl autopolyploid_step5.pl 5 5

Parameter Description
first 5 start chromosome
second 5 end chromosome

Table of Contents

Users' Guide


git clone https://github.com/xhhuanglab/OutcrossSeq.git
cd OutcrossSeq
#list three modules
#autopolyploid_crop  diploid_outcrossing_species  double_cross_populations  readme.md 


OutcrossSeq has three modules: "Diploid-Outcrossing", "Double-Cross" and "Autopolyploid Plant". Typically the work includes three steps – sequencing, genotype calling and imputation.

Step1 sequencing: Using Tn5 enzymes for low-cost library construction, hundreds of individuals are then pooled within the same library (each individual with its unique barcode). The pools are sequenced using second-generation sequencing technology and further demultiplexed according to the index tag.

Step2 genotype calling: GATK can be used for genotype calling from whole-genome low-coverage sequencing data.

Step3 imputation: we have three different strategies for different species ("Diploid-Outcrossing" module, "Double-Cross" module and “Autopolyploid Plant” module).

Use cases

OutcrossSeq works with VCF format files as input. After imputation, the output file is a genotype file that could be directly used for QTL mapping.

"Diploid-Outcrossing" and "Double-Cross" outputs are in bin matrix format, which can be used as the inputs of GACD, MapQTL etc for genetic mapping.

“Autopolyploid Plant” outputs are in SNP matrix format, which can be used as the inputs of fastGWA, EMMAX etc for genetic mapping.

For more details, please check Demo run below.

Diploid-Outcrossing module

This module is designed for all diploid outcrossing species. F1 population with about 200 individuals is good enough for a well study using this module.

1:Filter out low-quality SNP sites

cd /OutcrossSeq/diploid_outcrossing_species
perl diploid_cross_Genotype_filter.pl 5 parent1 parent2 100 0.6 demo_diploid 0.3
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
parent1 the id of parent1 in vcf file
parent2 the id of parent2 in vcf file
100 quality threshold we set here as an example, and SNP sites with quality below threshold will be filtered
0.6 miss rate threshold we set here as an example, and missing values greater than the threshold will be filtered
demo_diploid the input file of the vcf file
0.3 heterozygosity between 0.3 and (1-0.3)

2:Calculate kinship of each sample in each windows

perl diploid_cross_step1.pl 100000 1000 F1-chr5.geno 5 0.35
Parameter Description
100000 window size (<1cM)
1000 min marker number in each window, at least 1000
F1-chr5.geno the input file
5 chromosome
0.35 start cuttree threshold

3:Clustering in each window

perl diploid_cross_step2.pl 5 60 0.35
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
60 sample number
0.35 start cuttree threshold

Start cuttree threshold can be determine by the evolutionary tree, as example in the figure,you can set a threshold > 0.3. You can randomly select several windows on the chromosome to draw the evolutionary tree to determine the threshold.

4:Haplotying across the chromosome

In this step, a sample.list is required which records the order of individuals in VCF file.

#less sample.list
perl diploid_cross_step3.pl 5
Parameter Description
5 chromosome

5:Generate the genotype file

perl diploid_cross_step4.pl 5 5 demo
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
demo output file's name

Optional steps: One may want to check the haplotypes of parents using following command line

perl diploid_cross_Haplotype.pl demo.geno demo_diploid parent1 parent2
Parameter Description
demo.geno the genotype of bin map
demo_diploid the file of vcf file such as demo_diploid.vcf
parent1 the id of parent1 in vcf file
parent2 the id of parent2 in vcf file

Double-Cross module

This module is designed for typical Double-Cross population in crop breeding programs, such as rice and maize etc. Population size with 500 individuals is sufficient to carry out a nice study. It can also be applied to other types of populations when the founders are no more than four inbred lines.

1.filter out low-quality low-rate variants and select homozygous variants without missing data and filter the variants that two parents of hybridization have the same mutation and then transform vcf file to genotype file

cd /OutcrossSeq/double_cross_populations
perl double_cross_Genotype_filter.pl  demo_double 100 16 17 18 19
Parameter Description
demo_double the input file of the vcf file
100 quality threshold we set here as an example, and SNP sites with quality below threshold will be filtered
16 17 18 19 column number of four parents;16—parent1,17—parent2,18—parent3,19—parent4(Caution: 16,17 should be inbred parent1 x parent2 ,the column 18,19 should be inbred parent3 x parent4. If mix up, the result will be wrong)

2:Determine the genotype of the first allele

perl double_cross_step1.pl demo_double_parent.geno demo_double_offspring.geno  100000 5 1 6
Parameter Description
demo_double_parent.geno,demo_double_offspring.geno input file
100000 window size (<1cM)
5 chromosome
1 the first sample order
6 the last sample order

3:Determine the genotype of the second allele

perl double_cross_step2.pl demo_double_parent.geno demo_double_offspring.geno  100000 5 1 6
Parameter Description
demo_double_parent.geno,demo_double_offspring.geno input file
100000 window size (<1cM)
5 chromosome
1 the first sample order
6 the last sample order

4:Generate the genotype file In this step, a sample.list is required which records the order of individuals in VCF file.

#less sample.list
perl double_cross_step3.pl 5 5 6 100000
Parameter Description
5 star of chromosome
5 end of chromosome
6 Size of the population
100000 window size (<1cM)

Autopolyploid Plant module

This module is designed dedicated for F1 population of autopolyploid or near-autopolyploid plants such as potato and sweet potato etc. A F1</sub Population with about 1000 or more individuals is recommended, for a reasonable practice.

1:Select simplex or double-simplex SNPs

perl autopolyploid_Genotype_filter_step1.pl demo_autopolyploid-Parents 100 0.08 1
Parameter Description
demo_autopolyploid-Parents the input file of the parents vcf file
100 quality threshold we set here as an example, and SNP sites with quality below threshold will be filtered
0.08,1 depth range from 0.08 to 1

2:Transform .vcf to .geno file

perl autopolyploid_Genotype_filter_step2.pl 5 demo_autopolyploid Parent1 Parent2
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
demo_autopolyploid the input file of the offsprings vcf file
Parent1 the id of parent1 in vcf file
Parent2 the id of parent2 in vcf file

3:Filter low-quality and error ratio sites This step can be skipped

perl autopolyploid_step1.pl 5 demo_autopolyploid
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
demo_autopolyploid the input file of the .geno file

4:Select relevant sites

perl autopolyploid_step2.pl select-demo_autopolyploid 5 50 0.9 3 100
Parameter Description
select-demo_autopolyploid the input file of the select*.geno file
5 chromosome
50 min SNP marker number of each window
0.9 cuttree
3 select min cuttree marker num
100 select max cuttree marker num

Optimized steps: Then one has to combine all the results together when all runs finished

perl split-select-geno.pl 5 110 50 select-demo_autopolyploid
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
110 File lines (Can be obtained by command:wc -l file_name) of select-demo_autopolyploid.geno
50 line number of plit file,be careful this parameter must be a multiple of the min snp number for each window
select-demo_autopolyploid the split file name

Optimized steps: Then one has to combine all the results together when all runs finished

perl combine_split.pl 5 select-demo_autopolyploid 2
Parameter Description
5 chromosome
select-demo_autopolyploid the split file name
3 Number of split files

5:Select mark readsNum In this step, a sample.list is required which records the order of individuals in VCF file.

#less sample.list
perl autopolyploid_step3.pl demo_autopolyploid-readsNum.txt R2-select-demo_autopolyploid
Parameter Description
demo_autopolyploid-readsNum.txt input file1
R2-select-demo_autopolyploid input file2 named R2-select-demo_autopolyploid.txt

6:Imputation missing SNPs

perl autopolyploid_step4.pl 5 R2-select-demo_autopolyploid-readsNum.txt R2-select-demo_autopolyploid.txt
Parameter Description
demo_autopolyploid-readsNum.txt input file1
R2-select-demo_autopolyploid input file2

7:Merge genotype files

perl autopolyploid_step5.pl 5 5
#because demo data only contains the chromosome 5
Parameter Description
first 5 start chromosome
second 5 end chromosome

Getting help

Citing OutcrossSeq

The paper describing OutcrossSeq can be found here: Chen, M., Fan, W., Ji, F., Hua, H., Liu, J., Yan, M., Ma, Q., Fan, J., Wang, Q., Zhang, S., et al. (2021). Genome-wide Identification of Agronomically Important Genes in Outcrossing Crops using OutcrossSeq. Mol Plant. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2021.01.003