xi / caldav-client

standalone CalDAV web client
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

This is a standalone CalDAV web client. It is based on fullcalendar and ical.js and inspired by CalDavZAP.


Run npm install and then copy everything (including the node_modules folder) to a server. You also need to set rootUrl in config.js to the URL of the principal who's calendars should be displayed. It must be on the same origin.

Note that this is only a client. You will also need a CalDAV server, e.g. baikal or radicale.

Features / Limitations


We have to work with two different structures: The one defined by CalDAV and the other one defined by fullcalendar.

In CalDAV there are calendars and events. In fullcalendar there are event sources and events.

Each CalDAV calendar maps to a fullcalendar event source. source.id is the URL of the CalDAV calendar.

Each CalDAV event maps to one or (for recurring events) more fullcalendar events. event.groupId is the URL of the CalDAV event. event.extendedProps.comp is the parsed ICS. event.extendedProps.offset is the offset in seconds from the first instance to this one.