xialeiliu / CrowdCountingCVPR18

The rep for the Crowd Counting paper accepted by CVPR 2018
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Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Crowd Counting by Learning to Rank

The paper will appear in CVPR 2018. An arXiv pre-print version is available.

The updated version is accpeted at IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Here is arXiv pre-print version.


Please cite our paper if you are inspired by the idea.

title={Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Crowd Counting by Learning to Rank},
author={Liu, Xialei and van de Weijer, Joost and Bagdanov, Andrew D},
booktitle={Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
url = {https://github.com/xialeiliu/CrowdCountingCVPR18}


author={X. {Liu} and J. {Van De Weijer} and A. D. {Bagdanov}}, 
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, 
title={Exploiting Unlabeled Data in CNNs by Self-supervised Learning to Rank}, 
ISSN={0162-8828}, }


Xialei Liu, Joost van de Weijer and Andrew D. Bagdanov


Computer Vision Center, Barcelona, Spain

Media Integration and Communication Center, University of Florence, Florence, Italy


We propose a novel crowd counting approach that leverages abundantly available unlabeled crowd imagery in a learning-to-rank framework. To induce a ranking of cropped images , we use the observation that any sub-image of a crowded scene image is guaranteed to contain the same number or fewer persons than the super-image. This allows us to address the problem of limited size of existing datasets for crowd counting. We collect two crowd scene datasets from Google using keyword searches and queryby-example image retrieval, respectively. We demonstrate how to efficiently learn from these unlabeled datasets by incorporating learning-to-rank in a multi-task network which simultaneously ranks images and estimates crowd density maps. Experiments on two of the most challenging crowd counting datasets show that our approach obtains state-ofthe-art results.


The main idea of our approach is to address the problem of limited Crowd Counting dataset size, which allows us to leverage abundantly available unlabeled crowd imagery in a learning-to-rank framework.



All training and test are done in Caffe framework.

  1. Requirements for caffe and pycaffe (see: Caffe installation instructions). Caffe must be built with support for Python layers!
# In your Makefile.config, make sure to have this line uncommented
  1. Download the pre-trained VGG-16 ImageNet model for finetuning.

Pre-trained models

The pre-trained models are available to download.

Useful tools

We use the code from here to download and prepare the datasets, generate the density maps and evalate the models.