xiaocong / uiautomator

Python wrapper of Android uiautomator test tool.
MIT License
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Uiautomator for android TV #176

Open prathikshetty opened 7 years ago

prathikshetty commented 7 years ago

Hi ,

I'm using Uiautomator tool in python for android phone. But , now I'm interested using it on android TV.

I did the setup for android tv same as that of android phone. But I found that , d.click() will not work in TV. I suspect that , this is because d.click() was implemented as "touch events" . But , In TV we will not use "touch events " instead we use Remote controller.

Is there any way to implement d.click() for android TV.

Thanks in advance.

264768502 commented 7 years ago

Please check your target APP's UI element support clickable. Actually, according Google suggestion, most Android TV should controlled by navigation key + OK. You should use navigation key to move your focus to expect UI element.