xiaoxiao921 / DearImGuiInjection

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Inject Dear ImGui into any process with C#.


The keybind for bringing up the cursor for interaction is by default the Insert key, which can be modified in the configuration file.

Mod Developers

Download this package and add a reference to DearImguiSharp.dll and DearImGuiInjection.dll in your C# project.

Above your BaseUnityPlugin class definition

DearImGuiInjection.DearImGuiInjection.Render += MyUI;
private static void MyUI()
    if (DearImGuiInjection.DearImGuiInjection.IsCursorVisible)
        var dummy = true;
        ImGui.ShowDemoWindow(ref dummy);

        if (ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar())
            if (ImGui.BeginMenu("MainBar", true))
                if (ImGui.MenuItemBool("MyTestPlugin", null, false, true))
                    _isMyUIOpen ^= true;



        if (ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar())
            if (ImGui.BeginMenu("MainBar", true))
                if (ImGui.MenuItemBool("MyTestPlugin2", null, false, true))
                    _isMyUIOpen ^= true;



    if (_isMyUIOpen)
        var dummy2 = true;
        if (ImGui.Begin(Metadata.GUID, ref dummy2, (int)ImGuiWindowFlags.None))
            ImGui.Text("hello there");

            if (ImGui.Button("Click me", Constants.DefaultVector2))
                // Interacting with the unity api must be done from the unity main thread
                // Can just use the dispatcher shipped with the library for that
                UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Enqueue(() =>
                    //var go = new GameObject();


Make sure to only interact with anything UnityEngine related from its main thread, easily doable through UnityMainThreadDispatcher

if (ImGui.Button("Click me", Constants.DefaultVector2))
    // Interacting with the unity api must be done from the unity main thread
    // Can just use the dispatcher shipped with the library for that
    UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Enqueue(() =>
        //var go = new GameObject();

