xiguaxigua / docusaurus-plugin-drawio

drawio render for docusaurus
MIT License
36 stars 10 forks source link
docusaurus drawio


support to use draw.io in your website

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npm i docusaurus-plugin-drawio

Add plugin

  plugins: [
    ['drawio', {}],

Quick Start

in foo.mdx file

import Drawio from '@theme/Drawio'
import simpleGraph from '!!raw-loader!./drawio-graph/simple.drawio';

<Drawio content={simpleGraph} />

Select display page

if your drawio file has many pages and you want to select which display by default, you can set page props

import Drawio from '@theme/Drawio'
import simpleGraph from '!!raw-loader!./drawio-graph/simple.drawio';

<Drawio content={simpleGraph} page={1} />

Customize viewer.js file cdn address

default viewer.js cdn is https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docusaurus-plugin-drawio/viewer.min.js

  plugins: [
    ['drawio', { lib: 'http://domain/path/viewer.js' }],


drawio supports many configurations, many of which I don't know what the meaning is, and I don't know the type of the corresponding value. If you know, welcome to submit a pull request

prop meaning type
page page to be displayed number
toolbar The toolbar can be configured through this property, for example: "zoom layers tags lightbox" string
pageId page to be displayed string
zoom set zoom ratio number
maxHeight the max height of graph number
title Sets an optional title for the toolbar (or a tooltip if no toolbar is visible). string
forceCenter I don't know the meaning of this configuration boolean
center I don't know the meaning of this configuration boolean
responsive I don't know the meaning of this configuration boolean
border I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
move I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
nav I don't know the meaning of this configuration boolean
tooltips I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
resize I don't know the meaning of this configuration boolean
layers Specifies a space-separated list of visible layers, for example "1 2 3" string
layerIds I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
target I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
highlight I don't know the meaning of this configuration string
lightbox I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
editable I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
edit I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
editFunc I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
autoFit I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
autoCrop I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
autoOrigin I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
allowZoomOut I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
allowZoomIn I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
checkVisibleState I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
toolbarPosition I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
toolbarNohide I don't know the meaning of this configuration any
toolbarButtons I don't know the meaning of this configuration any



How to edit draw.io file

There are many way to edit such as https://app.diagrams.net/ or vscode plugin
