xingjianleng / DBGA

The repository for the genome sequence alignment research project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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DBGA: de Bruijn Graph Alignment Tool

DBGA is a Python library with a command line interface (CLI) designed for closely-related sequence alignment. It is capable of both global pairwise and multiple sequence alignment. DBGA uses de Bruijn graphs with existing alignment algorithms to boost both time and memory efficiency for sequence alignment.

Getting Started


DBGA installation requires Python 3.8 or newer. Additional libraries listed below were used when implementing the DBGA library.

Installing DBGA

Clone the DBGA repository to your machine.

git clone

Change working directory to DBGA folder

cd DBGA/

User install

Install the dbga package using pip3

pip3 install .

Developer install

Install Python flit package for installing DBGA

pip3 install flit

Use flit to install DBGA to current Python environment

flit install -s


To run the command line interface, typing dbga --help in the terminal.

Usage: dbga [OPTIONS]

  -i, --infile PATH       Input original sequences file  [required]
  -o, --outfile PATH      Output aligned sequences file  [required]
  -k INTEGER              The kmer size for constructing de Bruijn graph
  -m, --moltype TEXT      The input sequence molecular type  [required]
  --match INTEGER         score for two matching nucleotide (pairwise only)
  --transition INTEGER    cost for DNA transition mutation (pairwise only)
  --transversion INTEGER  cost for DNA transversion mutation (pairwise only)
  -d INTEGER              costs for opening a gap (pairwise only)
  -e INTEGER              costs for extending a gap (pairwise only)
  --model TEXT            The model for multiple sequence alignment (MSA only)
  --indel_rate FLOAT      One parameter for the progressive pair-HMM (MSA
  --indel_length FLOAT    One parameter for the progressive pair-HMM (MSA
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Or, DBGA can be used directly as a Python package shown in [Example Usage](#Example Usage) below.

Example Usage


Use the command line interface

dbga -i tests/data/substitution_middle.fasta -o out.fasta -k 3 -m dna


Use directly as a Python package

from dbga.debruijn_pairwise import DeBruijnPairwise

dbg = DeBruijnPairwise("tests/data/substitution_middle.fasta", k=3, moltype="dna")

Example Output

Output from above Example1

Number of sequences: 2, running de Bruijn pairwise alignment
Alignment task finishes within 0.01 seconds!
Alignment results saved in path/to/out.fasta!

cat out.fasta

Output from above Example2

seq2    .....C....

Run tests

To run tests in the repository, simply install and run nox with the following commands to test across Python 3.8 to 3.10.

pip install nox

Note: The code in and were not tested as they were not used in the algorithm implementation.


The benchmark results and related datasets can be found at Cloudstor.