xinitrc86 / zthread

Simple Thread implementation for ABAP. Based on JAVA Thread, its Runnable interface with some additional callback capabilities.
MIT License
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Simple parallel execution via Threads implemented in ABAP, based on JAVA Thread and its Runnable interface plus callback capabilities. Check the blog post for more details. Check the ABAPDocs for API information.

data(someProcessing) = new zcl_some_processing( some_data ).
data(anotherProcessing) = new zcl_some_other( some_data ).

new zcl_thread( someProcessing )->start( ).
new zcl_thread( anotherProcessing )->start( ).

"waits for threads to finish"
zcl_thread=>join_all( ).

write: 'All done!'

You can check the ABAP Docs for info and the source for examples. Feel free to provide new examples or colaborate with this.


Implement the zif_runnable interface with the logic you want to fork (start in a new thread), give it to a thread and start:

class zcl_my_runnable...
   interfaces zif_runnable.

   method constructor.
     "store data to process

   method zif_runnable~run.
     "...process data.   


 data(firstSplit) = new zcl_my_runnable( data_to_process_1 ).
 data(secondSplit) = new zcl_my_runnable( data_to_process_2 ).

 new zcl_thread( firstSplit )->start( ).
 new zcl_thread( secondSplit )->start( ).

Waiting for Threads to end

The static method join_all allows join (wait for threads to finish).

data(myThread) = new zcl_thread(aRunnable).
new zcl_thread(anotherRunnable)->start( ).
new zcl_thread(yetAnotherRunnable)->start( ).

myThread->start( ).
myThread->join( ). "waits for this specific thread" 

zcl_thread=>join_all( ). "waits for all threads to finish" 

Retrieving threads results

You can retrieve results back from Threads by implementing the zif_runnable_result interface.

class zcl_my_runnable definition.
    "here runnable is implementing both interfaces"
    "but the result can be a separate object too"
    interfaces: zif_runnable, zif_runnable_result.
    data myNumbers type standard table of p...
    data myTotal type p.

    method get_total.
      rv_result = myTotal.

    method zif_runnable~run.
      "sums numbers into myTotal"
      myTotal = reduce #( 
        init total = 0.
        for number in myNumbers
            total = total + number
          "This is possoble because me is implementing 
          "zif_runnable_result. Could be another object.
          ro_result = me.


data(myRunnable) = new zcl_my_runnable( value #( ( 10 ) ( 10 ) ( 10 ) ) ).
data(myThread) = new zcl_thread( myRunnable ).

myThread->start( ).
myThread->join( ).

"retrieves the result, callers must know its type"
data(myResult) = cast zcl_my_runnable( myThread->get_result( ) ).
data(myTotal) = myResult->get_total( ).

write: myTotal. "30"

Defining callbacks

To defined a callback, implement interface zif_thread_callback| and passe it along to the thread. For an callback object to be called back, it must still be referenced once the thread is finished.

class zcl_callback_example definition.
   interfaces zif_thread_callback.

   private section.
      data myTotal type p.

   method zif_thread_callback~on_result.
    data(result) = cast zcl_my_result( io_result ).
    myTotal = myTotal + result->get_total( ).

   method zif_thread_callback~on_error.
        raise exception type zcx_myError
        exporting previous = io_error.

   method sumAll.

     data(runnable1) = zcl_my_Runnable( value #( ( 10 ) ( 10 ) ( 10 ) ) ). "adds to 30"
     data(runnable2) = zcl_my_Runnable( value #( ( 20 ) ( 20 ) ( 20 ) ) ). "adds to 60"

     new zcl_thread( io_runnable = runnable1, io_callback = me )->start( ).
     new zcl_thread( io_runnable = runnable2, io_callback = me )->start( ).

     zcl_thread=>join_all( ).
     write: myTotal. "sum 30 + 60 =  90 "



Help welcomed

Reviews, examples, downports. Feel free to contribute.