xinleipan / py_TORCS

Open Source OpenAI gym compatible TORCS Driving Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 0 forks source link

Important Updates

Please refer to pyTORCS for more up-to-date information about using the environment.


Note that in order to install torcs on your computer system, you may need to install CUDA driver without opengl libs. The gym-TORCS environment has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 environment, and currently it does not support windows or macOSX environment.

cd py_TORCS/
sudo sh
python -m pip install -e . || python install


import gym
import py_TORCS

env = gym.make('TORCS-v0')
obs, info = env.reset()
obs, reward, terminal, info = env.step(np.array([1.0, 0.0]))

Have fun!