xinyi030 / PHS43010_NonStatGroup

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Bayesian Inference Clinical Trials and Nonparametric Models

This repository contains the final project for our graduate-level class in Bayesian modeling and inference. The project involves the implementation of a logistic regression model, simulation studies, and performance analysis in the context of clinical trials.

Task Overview

Our main tasks involve:

  1. Reviewing a paper on CRM design for phase I dose-finding trials.
  2. Reproducing results in specific figures by fitting a logistic regression model.
  3. Running simulation studies using the CRM with logistic regression.
  4. Answering specified research questions.
  5. Writing a report and compiling our work in an R Markdown document.
  6. Presentation

Detailed task, assignees, and progress can be tracked under the "Projects" tab in our GitHub repository.

Project Structure


To run the R Markdown document, you need to have R installed on your computer along with the necessary packages (listed at the start of the Non_Stat.Rmd file). Once you have these, you can open Non_Stat.Rmd in RStudio and click the "Knit" button to generate the report.

Collaboration Guidelines

We are using a feature of GitHub called branches to collaborate efficiently. Here are the steps:

  1. Pull Latest Changes: Before you start making changes, always pull the latest version of the repository. You can do this with the command git pull origin main.

  2. Create a New Branch: For every task you're working on, create a new branch from the main branch using the command git checkout -b [your-branch-name]. This will ensure that our main branch always contains the stable version of our project.

  3. Make Your Changes: Open the Non_Stat.Rmd file in RStudio and make your changes. Remember to save your work regularly.

  4. Commit Your Changes: Once you're done with your changes, you need to commit them. You can do this with the command git commit -a -m "[Your Commit Message]". Replace [Your Commit Message] with a brief description of the changes you made.

  5. Push Your Branch: After committing your changes, you need to push your branch to the repository. You can do this with the command git push origin [your-branch-name].

  6. Open a Pull Request (PR): Go to the GitHub repository and open a PR. Assign a team member to review your PR. Once it's approved, you can merge your changes into the main branch.

Remember to delete your branch after it's merged. If there are conflicts in the PR, GitHub provides instructions on how to resolve them.

Please note that we are using a branching strategy for this project. This means that we should make changes in the respective branches and not directly in the main branch. After finishing the changes in your branch, open a pull request so others can review your code. After approval, we can merge the changes into the main branch.


All team members are expected to contribute to the project. If you have any issues, please use the Issues tab on GitHub.

Thank you!