xinyue-ash / FlexibitWorkshopTool

Visual programming for Arduino. Based on blockly, implements Arduino code generation and facilitates program uploading.
Apache License 2.0
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How to start the program

2 ways:

How to add new Categories and Blocks:

A nice example from the original repo \build\blocks\groove or existing categories \build\blocks\Customization etc

  1. Folder Setup for Categories To add a new category, follow these steps: 1) Create a Category Folder Navigate to \build\blocks\ and create a folder named after your desired category. This category name will appear in the menu (e.g., “Customization” or “Preset Behaviors”).

    2) Inside the newly created category folder, include the following files:

    • blocks.js – Defines the blocks.
    • _generatorarduino.js – Generates Arduino code for the blocks.
    • _blocksconfig.json – Stores block configurations.
  2. To define a block: Go to \build\blocks\blocks.js

        Blockly.Blocks["block_123"] = {
          init: function() {
            // Block definitions go here
  3. Define Code generator: To generate Arduino code for your block: Go to \build\blocks\generator_arduino.js. You can store Arduino APIs for this interface as variable and return those code. Example: code generation in for block in example 2d (block name (eg: block_123 should match the one in block defination) )

          Blockly.Arduino[“block_123”]= function (block){
           // add your code converter logic here 
  4. Add blocks' XML defination the Toolbox:

    To add your blocks to the toolbox, update the following files with the necessary XML configurations:

    • _\build\blocks\blocksconfig.json
    • _\build\blocks\blocksdata.json
    • _\Ardublockly\ardublocklytoolbox.js (as an XML string).

      💡 If a block definition already exists in another category
      You only need to add XML in the toolbox, there is no need to add block defination and code generator for this block in current catogory.

      💡 If you want to change a Category name:
      If you want to change a category name, you need to change the categoryName, toolboxName field, and the id and name attributes in the <category> tag.

  5. Test Changes: Run python ./ And go to in your browser. For your changes to take effect, perform a hard refresh:

    • Open the browser console with F12.
    • Right-click the refresh button.
    • Select "Empty Cache and Hard Reload."

How to deploy to render

Arduino APIs

Sample Arduino Sketch is in \Hardware\MultiControWithDelay.ino

Data Structure

Wrapper Block (Purple Block)


Atomic Behaviors

These helper functions can be encapsulate in servo behavior blocks in _generatorarduino.js :

  1. .setAngleDuration(int angle, int duration) Move the servo to a specified angle over a duration (ms).
  2. .setAngleSpeed(int angle, int speed) Move the servo to a specified angle at a speed (1 = slow, 10 = fast).
  3. .StartNewSequence() Start a behavior sequence (must be called before setAngleDuration or setAngleSpeed).
  4. .SetRepeats(int repeatTime) Set how many times the sequence will repeat (called after setAngleDuration or setAngleSpeed).
  5. .addDelayDuration(int duration) Stop the servo for a specified duration (ms).


Note: The servo reference inside the block must use the pattern servo__SERVO_PIN__ to allow the purple wrapper block to replace __SERVO_PIN__ with the correct pin number.


This project has been modified from

Blockly original source is Copyright of Google Inc. [][1]. A list of changes to the Blockly fork can be found in the [Blockly subdirectory README][17] file.


Copyright (c) 2016 carlosperate

Unless stated otherwise, the source code of this projects is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use any of the licensed files within this project except in compliance with the License.

The full document can be found in the [LICENSE][9] file.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.