xiongchiamiov / sleeping-wolf

synchronize your github issues and ticgit
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I like gh-issues, and its ability to allow other users to easily comment on my project. I also like ticgit, and the fact that I have integral parts of my project with me, even if github is unavailable. So, I want to use both! sleeping-wolf aims to synchronize a ticgit repository with the GitHub-hosted Issues for your project, allowing you to do just that.

Since we'll be making commits on behalf of other users, and the two don't share everything in common, it won't be perfect. But hey, let's see what we can do.


sleeping-wolf is in pre-alpha. Although some of the structure exists, the code that actually saves changes hasn't been written yet. This means that you can't use it to do anything!

In addition, lots of things are hard-coded, because it was simple, and I didn't want to deal with config files or commandline args yet. Also, I've only been testing on my two Arch Linux machines, with Ruby 1.9; it's entirely possible any other configuration will break horribly and kill your neighbors' puppies. You've been warned.


Scott Chacon's ticgit hasn't been updated in some time (and doesn't work with Ruby 1.9), so you'll probably need to install from one of the forks. I used jeffWelling's.

ticgit currently requires ruby/git, which is deprecated in favor of grit. Until someone fixes that, you'll need a version of ruby/git that works with ruby 1.9. I'm attempting to maintain one. Be aware that it currently requires jeweler to build the gem, and jeweler requires ruby/git, so you'll be overwriting the version of ruby/git that gets pulled in by gem. sigh

You'll also need octopi. Until issue 18 gets fixed, you'll want to grab my fork.

We Need You!

As is usual with open-source projects, any help is appreciated! In particular:

On the Name

ticgit---gh-issues-synchronizer was just too damn long a name, even if it was descriptive. So, I went looking:

Google -> Wikipedia (Synchronizer) -> Wikipedia (Synchronization -> Wikipedia (Data Synchronization) -> Scholarpedia (Slepian-Wolf coding) -> sleeping wolf

Plus, I can have an awesomely cute logo, once I find someone to make it!