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Experiment using Fast inverse chip z-transform #151

Open LifeIsStrange opened 5 years ago

LifeIsStrange commented 5 years ago

I'm not an expert, but this seems like a major discovery in signal processing!

From the comments I read: Sounds like a pretty awesome milestone to me. So, perhaps in the near future, new compression schemes might allow for reduced mp3 and mp4 file sizes, which means that for the same bandwidth we could see increased resolution/ higher frame rates


It should be a O(n log n) rather than O(n^2), so the speed increase for large n, which can be common n signal processing, is real.

Comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21230757 Source: https://m.techxplore.com/news/2019-10-year-old-puzzle.html

zvezdochiot commented 5 years ago

@LifeIsStrange say:



LifeIsStrange commented 5 years ago

@zvezdochiot Actually, there is prior art from a french/english thesis in 2003: https://specfun.inria.fr/bostan/these/These.pdf

Theres a more compact version of this one: https://specfun.inria.fr/bostan/publications/BoSc05.pdf

silverbacknet commented 4 years ago

This would have to be the basis of a new codec, although it's so far unproven. Opus wouldn't be able to incorporate it without a completely new Opusv2.

LifeIsStrange commented 4 years ago

@silverbacknet has an effort for building the Opus v2 roadmap started yet?

silverbacknet commented 4 years ago

@LifeIsStrange I'm not aware of anyone anywhere working on new audio codecs. There would have to be a demonstrable improvement that outweighs the pain of pushing a new standard out to the world, and no one's even demonstrated that chirp-zeta would actually be a practical improvement, let alone by how much.

LifeIsStrange commented 4 years ago

Actually I might suggest this research direction to MPEG-H (even if they seems specialized in 3D audio) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-H