xiyuyi / PyPRIS

This is a python package to perform progressive refinement method for sparse recovery (PRIS)
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compressive-sensing super-resolution


This is a python package for PRIS -- a progressive refinement method for sparse recovery.

Authors: Xiyu Yi, Xingjia Wang @ UCLA

PI: Shimon Weiss

Environment Setup

PyPRIS requires installation of Anaconda.

Before running PyPRIS, create the environment by running the following code in Anaconda:

conda env create -f PyPRIS_env.yml

Then activate the environment with:

conda activate PyPRIS_env

Before running notebook files, set up the environment of Ipython kernel as well with the following code:

ipython kernel install --user --name=PyPRIS_env

Finally, after starting jupyter notebook, switch kernel to current environment by clicking "Kernel -> Change kernel -> PyPRIS_env".

On Hoffman2:

Upload: upload test_data, PyPRIS, PyPRIS_env.yml and *.py files to hoffman2 under your home directory.

configure environment for PyPRIS (PyPRIS_env) on Hoffman2 from terminal (recommended terminals include MobaXTerm and Putty)

After log-in from the terminal, start an interactive session with: qrsh (this step may take a few minutes)

Load anaconda with:

module load anaconda

Install the PyPRIS_env enviroenemt to your home directory with:

conda env create -f PyPRIS_env.yml (This step may take about 10 minutes)

Activate the environment with:

source activate PyPRIS_env

To log-out from the PyPRIS environment, type:

conda deactivate

To update PyPRIS environment, type:

source activate PyPRIS_env

conda env update --file PypRIS_env.yml

Computation on Hoffman2


Codes developed before July 8, 2019 were developed while Xiyu was affiliated with UCLA.

Codes developed between July 8, 2019 and May 13, 2022 were developed while Xiyu was affiliated with LLNL.

Codes developed after May 16, 2022 were developed while Xiyu is affiliated with CZ Biohub.