xjtlu-cvlab / 3DROM

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3D Random Occlusion and Multi-Layer Projection for Deep Multi-Camera Pedestrian Localization


The code and demonstration videos of the 3DROM, as well as the Terrace ground truth data created by us and used in the [arXiv], are provided here.


The programme uses the following libraries:
python 3.7+
pytorch 1.4+ & tochvision
matlab & matlabengine

Data Preparation

The datasets need to be downloaded from their official websites before running the program.
Wildtrack: https://www.epfl.ch/labs/cvlab/data/data-wildtrack/
Multiviewx: https://github.com/hou-yz/MVDet/
Terrace: https://www.epfl.ch/labs/cvlab/data-pom-index-php/ (The Terrace dataset has been placed in the Data folder.)
By default, all datasets are put in ~/Data/. The ~/Data/ folder should look like this
├── MultiviewX/
│ └── ...
└── Wildtrack/
│ └── ...
└── Terrace/
└── ...


For training, please run the programme as follows:
python main.py -d Wildtrack or
python main.py -d multiviewx or
python main.py -d terrace

Pre-Trained Models

The pre-trained models can be download from the link.
The programme can be run with the pre-trained models for testing:
python main.py -d wildtrack --resume PATH or
python main.py -d multiviewx --resume PATH or
python main.py -d terrace --resume PATH
The “PATH” is the path of a pre-trained model.

The GPU Requirements

The RTX3090 is recommended for the training to ensure sufficient GPU memory.