xl0418 / ggradar2

ggradar2 is a gg-function to draw a radar plot for data analysis. It is stem from ggradar but has been extended with new features.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

The text color keeps defaulting to white, I'd like it to be black. Would you be able to add an option to choose text color. (Group Label Names and Gridline Labels) #10

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

2021-08-12 (2)

Example of the text defaulting to white so you can't see the labels^^^^^

xl0418 commented 3 years ago

Hi, can you provide a workable code? From the example I gave, the text color is black.

ghost commented 3 years ago

`ggradar2 <- function(plot.data, base.size=20, webtype = "mini", axis.labels="", grid.min=0, #10, grid.max=1, #100, centre.y=grid.min - ((1/9)(grid.max-grid.min)), label.centre.y=FALSE, grid.line.width=0.5, grid.line.trend = "classic", gridline.min.linetype="longdash", gridline.mid.linetype="longdash", gridline.max.linetype="longdash", gridline.min.colour="grey", gridline.mid.colour="#007A87", gridline.max.colour="grey", grid.label.size=6, gridline.label.offset=-0.1(grid.max-centre.y), label.gridline.min=TRUE, label.gridline.mid=TRUE, label.gridline.max=TRUE, gridline.label=NULL, axis.label.offset=1.15, axis.label.size=2.5, axis.label.color = "black", axis.line.colour="grey", group.line.width=1.5, group.point.size=3, group.colours=NULL, group.fill.colours=NULL, background.circle.colour="#D7D6D1", background.circle.transparency=0.2, legend.title="", plot.legend=TRUE, plot.title="", legend.text.size=14, radarshape = "round", polygonfill = TRUE, polygonfill.transparency = 0.2, multiplots = FALSE, stripbackground = TRUE, fullscore = NULL) {

Default settings

plot.extent.x.sf=1 plot.extent.y.sf=1.2 x.centre.range=0.02*(grid.max-centre.y)

Load the data and check if subgroup is given

if(multiplots){ if(length(which(colnames(plot.data) == 'facet1'))==0){ return('Error: no facet is applied.') }else{ plot.data <- as.data.frame(plot.data) facet1ind <- which(colnames(plot.data) == 'facet1') facet1df <- plot.data$facet1 facet1df <- factor(facet1df,levels = as.vector(unique(facet1df))) plot.data <- plot.data[,-facet1ind] } }else if(multiplots == FALSE) { plot.data <- as.data.frame(plot.data) }else{ return("Error: 'multiplots' can be either '1D' for facets plotting or 'none' for single plotting. ") }

Check if the group names are given. If not, choose the first column as the

group name.

if(!is.null(plot.data$group)){ plot.data$group <- as.factor(as.character(plot.data$group)) }else if(!is.null(rownames(plot.data))){ plot.data$group <- rownames(plot.data) print("Row names are chosen as the group names.") }else{ groupcheck <- readline(" WARNING: 'group' column and row names are not detected. The first column will be chosen as the group name. Yes/no? (y/n)") if(groupcheck == 'y'){ plot.data[,1] <- as.factor(as.character(plot.data[,1])) names(plot.data)[1] <- "group" }else{ print(" Abort! Data check failed! ") return(" Abort! Data check failed! ") }


col_group = which(colnames(plot.data)=='group')

Extract names of the variables from the data frame except the group names.

var.names <- colnames(plot.data)[-col_group] df_variables <- plot.data[,-col_group]

Full scores are considered if specified

if(!is.null(fullscore)){ if(length(fullscore) == ncol(df_variables)){ df_variables <- rbind(fullscore,df_variables) }else{ return("Error: please provide the same length of 'fullscore' as of the variables.") } } df_variables <- data.frame(lapply(df_variables, function(x) scale(x, center = FALSE, scale = max(x, na.rm = TRUE)/grid.max)))

If provided full scores, after rescale the data remove the full score row.

if(!is.null(fullscore)){ df_variables <- df_variables[-1,] }

Get rid of the full scores as we don't want to plot them

plot.data <- cbind(plot.data$group,df_variables) names(plot.data)[1] <- 'group'

Check if the axis labels are properly set up.

if(length(axis.labels) == 1 && axis.labels == ""){ axis.labels <- var.names }else{ if (length(axis.labels) != ncol(plot.data)-1) return("Error: 'axis.labels' contains the wrong number of axis labels") }

calculate total plot extent as radius of outer circle x a user-specifiable scaling factor

plot.extent.x=(grid.max+abs(centre.y))plot.extent.x.sf plot.extent.y=(grid.max+abs(centre.y))plot.extent.y.sf

Set grid.line.trend type

if(grid.line.trend == 'increase'){ grid.line.width <- seq(from = grid.line.width, to = grid.line.width+50.2,by=0.2) }else if(grid.line.trend == 'classic'){ grid.line.width <- rep(grid.line.width,6) }else if(grid.line.trend == 'decrease'){ grid.line.width <- rev(seq(from = grid.line.width, to = grid.line.width+50.2,by=0.2)) }else{ return("Error: 'grid.line.trend' so far only contains two types, e.g. 'classic' and 'increase' ") }

Declare required internal functions

CalculateGroupPath <- function(df) {

Converts variable values into a set of radial x-y coordinates

#Code adapted from a solution posted by Tony M to
#  df: Col 1 -  group ('unique' cluster / group ID of entity)
#      Col 2-n:  v1.value to vn.value - values (e.g. group/cluser mean or median) of variables v1 to v.n

path <- df[,1]
path <- factor(path,levels = as.vector(path))

##find increment
angles = seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=(2*pi)/(ncol(df)-1))
##create graph data frame
graphData= data.frame(seg="", x=0,y=0)

for(i in levels(path)){
  pathData = subset(df, df[,1]==i)
  for(j in c(2:ncol(df))){
    #pathData[,j]= pathData[,j]

    graphData=rbind(graphData, data.frame(group=i,
  ##complete the path by repeating first pair of coords in the path
  graphData=rbind(graphData, data.frame(group=i,
#Make sure that name of first column matches that of input data (in case !="group")
colnames(graphData)[1] <- colnames(df)[1]
graphData #data frame returned by function

} CaclulateAxisPath = function(var.names,min,max) {

Caculates x-y coordinates for a set of radial axes (one per variable being plotted in radar plot)

#var.names - list of variables to be plotted on radar plot
#min - MININUM value required for the plotted axes (same value will be applied to all axes)
#max - MAXIMUM value required for the plotted axes (same value will be applied to all axes)
#var.names <- c("v1","v2","v3","v4","v5")
n.vars <- length(var.names) # number of vars (axes) required
#Cacluate required number of angles (in radians)
angles <- seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=(2*pi)/n.vars)
#calculate vectors of min and max x+y coords
min.x <- min*sin(angles)
min.y <- min*cos(angles)
max.x <- max*sin(angles)
max.y <- max*cos(angles)
#Combine into a set of uniquely numbered paths (one per variable)
axisData <- NULL
for (i in 1:n.vars) {
  a <- c(i,min.x[i],min.y[i])
  b <- c(i,max.x[i],max.y[i])
  axisData <- rbind(axisData,a,b)
#Add column names + set row names = row no. to allow conversion into a data frame
colnames(axisData) <- c("axis.no","x","y")
rownames(axisData) <- seq(1:nrow(axisData))
#Return calculated axis paths

} funcCircleCoords <- function(center = c(0,0), r = 1, npoints = 100){

Adapted from Joran's response to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6862742/draw-a-circle-with-ggplot2

tt <- seq(0,2*pi,length.out = npoints)
xx <- center[1] + r * cos(tt)
yy <- center[2] + r * sin(tt)
return(data.frame(x = xx, y = yy))


Convert supplied data into plottable format

(a) add abs(centre.y) to supplied plot data

[creates plot centroid of 0,0 for internal use, regardless of min. value of y

in user-supplied data]

plot.data.offset <- plot.data plot.data.offset[,2:ncol(plot.data)]<- plot.data[,2:ncol(plot.data)]+abs(centre.y)


(b) convert into radial coords

group <-NULL group$path <- CalculateGroupPath(plot.data.offset)


(c) Calculate coordinates required to plot radial variable axes

axis <- NULL axis$path <- CaclulateAxisPath(var.names,grid.min+abs(centre.y),grid.max+abs(centre.y))


(d) Create file containing axis labels + associated plotting coordinates


axis$label <- data.frame( text=axis.labels, x=NA, y=NA )


axis label coordinates

n.vars <- length(var.names) angles = seq(from=0, to=2pi, by=(2pi)/n.vars) axis$label$x <- sapply(1:n.vars, function(i, x) {((grid.max+abs(centre.y))axis.label.offset)sin(angles[i])}) axis$label$y <- sapply(1:n.vars, function(i, x) {((grid.max+abs(centre.y))axis.label.offset)cos(angles[i])})


mini type for web plotting

if(webtype == 'mini'){ if(length(gridline.label) == 0){ values.radar <- c("0%", "50%", "100%") }else{ if(length(gridline.label)==3){ values.radar <- gridline.label }else{ return("Error: 'gridline label' should have the same length as the mini webtype, e.g. 3. ") } } grid.mid <- (grid.min+grid.max)/2

(e) Create Circular grid-lines + labels

#caclulate the cooridinates required to plot circular grid-lines for three user-specified
#y-axis values: min, mid and max [grid.min; grid.mid; grid.max]
gridline <- NULL
gridline$min$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.min+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$mid$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.mid+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$max$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.max+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)

#gridline labels
gridline$min$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.min+abs(centre.y),
gridline$max$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.max+abs(centre.y),
gridline$mid$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.mid+abs(centre.y),

}else if(webtype == 'lux'){

luxurious web type

if(length(gridline.label) == 0){
  values.radar <- c("0%", "20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%")
    values.radar <- gridline.label
    return("Error: 'gridline label' should have the same length as the luxurious webtype, e.g. 6. ")

grid.mid1 <- 0.2
grid.mid2 <- 0.4
grid.mid3 <- 0.6
grid.mid4 <- 0.8

# (e) Create Circular grid-lines + labels
#caclulate the cooridinates required to plot circular grid-lines for three user-specified
#y-axis values: min, mid and max [grid.min; grid.mid; grid.max]
gridline <- NULL
gridline$min$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.min+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$mid1$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.mid1+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$mid2$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.mid2+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$mid3$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.mid3+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$mid4$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.mid4+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
gridline$max$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.max+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)

#gridline labels
gridline$min$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.min+abs(centre.y),
gridline$max$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.max+abs(centre.y),
gridline$mid1$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.mid1+abs(centre.y),
gridline$mid2$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.mid2+abs(centre.y),
gridline$mid3$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.mid3+abs(centre.y),
gridline$mid4$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.mid4+abs(centre.y),

}else{ return("Error: 'webtype' only contains two types ('mini' and 'lux') so far. ") }

Start building up the radar plot

Declare 'theme_clear', with or without a plot legend as required by user

[default = no legend if only 1 group [path] being plotted]

theme_clear <- theme_bw(base_size=base.size) + theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.border=element_blank(), legend.key=element_rect(linetype="blank"))

Base-layer = axis labels + plot extent

[need to declare plot extent as well, since the axis labels don't always

fit within the plot area automatically calculated by ggplot, even if all

included in first plot; and in any case the strategy followed here is to first

plot right-justified labels for axis labels to left of Y axis for x< (-x.centre.range)],

then centred labels for axis labels almost immediately above/below x= 0

[abs(x) < x.centre.range]; then left-justified axis labels to right of Y axis [x>0].

This building up the plot in layers doesn't allow ggplot to correctly

identify plot extent when plotting first (base) layer]

if(multiplots){ facet_vec <- factor(unique(facet1df),levels = as.vector(unique(facet1df))) no.facet <- length(facet_vec) multiaxislabel <- cbind(axis$label[rep(seq_len(nrow(axis$label)), no.facet),],rep(facet_vec,each = nrow(axis$label))) names(multiaxislabel)[4] <- 'facet1' base <- ggplot2::ggplot(multiaxislabel) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) + coord_equal() + geom_text(data=subset(multiaxislabel,multiaxislabel$x < (-x.centre.range)), aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size, color = axis.label.color, hjust=1) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1.5plot.extent.x,1.5plot.extent.x)) + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-plot.extent.y,plot.extent.y))+facet_wrap(~facet1) }else if(multiplots == FALSE){ base <- ggplot2::ggplot(axis$label) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) + coord_equal() + geom_text(data=subset(axis$label,axis$label$x < (-x.centre.range)), aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size, color = axis.label.color,hjust=1) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1.5plot.extent.x,1.5plot.extent.x)) + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-plot.extent.y,plot.extent.y)) }else{ return("Error: 'multiplots' can be either '1D' for facets plotting or 'none' for single plotting. ") }

if(radarshape == "round"){ if(webtype == 'mini'){

... + circular grid-lines at 'min', 'mid' and 'max' y-axis values

  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$min$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$mid$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$max$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
}else if(webtype == 'lux'){
  # ... + circular grid-lines at 'min', 'mid' and 'max' y-axis values
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$min$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$mid1$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$mid2$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$mid3$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$mid4$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$max$path,aes(x=x,y=y),

  return("Error: 'webtype' only contains two types ('mini' and 'lux') so far.  ")

}else if(radarshape == "sharp"){ if(webtype == 'mini'){

... + sharp grid-lines at 'min', 'mid' and 'max' y-axis values

  # Extract the coordinates of the inner points and the outer points
  oddindex <-  seq(1,nrow(axis$path),2)
  evenindex <- seq(2,nrow(axis$path),2)
  axis$innerpath <- axis$path[oddindex,]
  axis$outerpath <- axis$path[evenindex,]
  axis$innerpath <- rbind(axis$innerpath,head(axis$innerpath,1))
  axis$outerpath <- rbind(axis$outerpath,head(axis$outerpath,1))
  # Calculate the coordinates of the middle points
  axis$middlepath <- (axis$innerpath+axis$outerpath)/2
  # Draw the sharp path of each layer
  base <- base + geom_path(data = axis$innerpath,aes(x=x,y=y),
    geom_path(data = axis$outerpath,aes(x=x,y=y),
    geom_path(data = axis$middlepath,aes(x=x,y=y),
}else if(webtype == 'lux'){
  # ... + sharp grid-lines at 'min', 'mid' and 'max' y-axis values
  # Extract the coordinates of the inner points and the outer points
  oddindex <-  seq(1,nrow(axis$path),2)
  evenindex <- seq(2,nrow(axis$path),2)
  axis$innerpath <- axis$path[oddindex,]
  axis$outerpath <- axis$path[evenindex,]
  axis$innerpath <- rbind(axis$innerpath,head(axis$innerpath,1))
  axis$outerpath <- rbind(axis$outerpath,head(axis$outerpath,1))
  # Calculate the coordinates of the middle points
  axis$middle1path <- (-axis$innerpath+axis$outerpath)/5+axis$innerpath
  axis$middle2path <- (-axis$innerpath+axis$outerpath)*2/5+axis$innerpath
  axis$middle3path <- (-axis$innerpath+axis$outerpath)*3/5+axis$innerpath
  axis$middle4path <- (-axis$innerpath+axis$outerpath)*4/5+axis$innerpath

  # Draw the sharp path of each layer
  base <- base + geom_path(data = axis$innerpath,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +   geom_path(data = axis$middle1path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +   geom_path(data = axis$middle2path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +   geom_path(data = axis$middle3path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +   geom_path(data = axis$middle4path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base + geom_path(data = axis$outerpath,aes(x=x,y=y),
  return("Error: 'webtype' only contains two types ('mini' and 'lux') so far.  ")

}else{ return("Error: 'radarshape' should be specified...") }

+ axis labels for any vertical axes [abs(x)<=x.centre.range]

base <- base + geom_text(data=subset(axis$label,abs(axis$label$x)<=x.centre.range), aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size, color = axis.label.color,hjust=0.5)

+ axis labels for any vertical axes [x>x.centre.range]

base <- base + geom_text(data=subset(axis$label,axis$label$x>x.centre.range), aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size, color = axis.label.color,hjust=0)

+ theme_clear [to remove grey plot background, grid lines, axis tick marks and axis text]

base <- base + theme_clear

if(radarshape == 'round'){

+ background circle against which to plot radar data

base <- base + geom_polygon(data=gridline$max$path,aes(x=x,y=y),

}else if(radarshape == 'sharp'){

+ background polygon against which to plot radar data

base <- base + geom_polygon(data=axis$outerpath,aes(x=x,y=y),

}else{ return("Error: 'radarshape' should be specified...") }

+ radial axes

base <- base + geom_path(data=axis$path,aes(x=x,y=y,group=axis.no), colour=axis.line.colour)

Draw path for different facets.


multigrouppath <- cbind(group$path,rep(facet1df,each=nrow(group$path)/nrow(plot.data)))
names(multigrouppath)[4] <- 'facet1'
# fill different facets
  base <- base + geom_polygon(data=multigrouppath,aes(x=x,y=y,col = factor(group), fill = factor(group)),
                              alpha=polygonfill.transparency,show.legend = F)+

# ... + group (cluster) 'paths'
base <- base + geom_path(data=multigrouppath,aes(x=x,y=y,group=group,colour=group),

# ... + group points (cluster data)
base <- base + geom_point(data=multigrouppath,aes(x=x,y=y,group=group,colour=group),size=group.point.size)+

}else if(multiplots == FALSE){ if(polygonfill){ base <- base + geom_polygon(data=group$path,aes(x=x,y=y,col = factor(group), fill = factor(group)), alpha=polygonfill.transparency,show.legend = F) }

# ... + group (cluster) 'paths'
base <- base + geom_path(data=group$path,aes(x=x,y=y,group=group,colour=group),

# ... + group points (cluster data)
base <- base + geom_point(data=group$path,aes(x=x,y=y,group=group,colour=group),size=group.point.size)

}else{ return("Error: 'multiplots' can be either '1D' for facets plotting or 'none' for single plotting. ") }

... + amend Legend title

if (plot.legend){ if(multiplots== FALSE){ base <- base + labs(colour=legend.title,size=legend.text.size) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = legend.text.size), legend.position="left") + theme(legend.key.height=unit(2,"line")) }else if(multiplots){ base <- base + labs(colour=legend.title,size=legend.text.size) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = legend.text.size), legend.position="bottom") + theme(legend.key.height=unit(2,"line")) }else{ return("Error: 'multiplots' can be either '1D' for facets plotting or 'none' for single plotting. ") }

}else{ base <- base + theme(legend.position = "none") }

... + grid-line labels (max; mid; min)

if (label.gridline.min==TRUE) { base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[1]),data=gridline$min$label,size=grid.label.size0.8, hjust=1) } if (label.gridline.max==TRUE) { base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[length(values.radar)]),data=gridline$max$label,size=grid.label.size0.8, hjust=1) }

if(webtype == 'mini'){ if (label.gridline.mid==TRUE) { base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[2]),data=gridline$mid$label,size=grid.label.size0.8, hjust=1) } }else if(webtype == 'lux'){ if (label.gridline.mid==TRUE) { base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[2]),data=gridline$mid1$label,size=grid.label.size0.8, hjust=1) base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[3]),data=gridline$mid2$label,size=grid.label.size0.8, hjust=1) base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[4]),data=gridline$mid3$label,size=grid.label.size0.8, hjust=1) base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[5]),data=gridline$mid4$label,size=grid.label.size*0.8, hjust=1) } }else{ return("Error: 'webtype' only contains two types ('mini' and 'lux') so far. ") }

... + centre.y label if required [i.e. value of y at centre of plot circle]

if (label.centre.y==TRUE) { centre.y.label <- data.frame(x=0, y=0, text=as.character(centre.y)) base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),data=centre.y.label,size=grid.label.size, hjust=0.5) }

if (!is.null(group.colours)){ colour_values <- rep(group.colours,100) if (!is.null(group.fill.colours)){ fill_values <- rep(group.fill.colours,100) }else{ fill_values <- colour_values } } else { colour_values <- rep(c("#FF5A5F", "#FFB400", "#007A87", "#8CE071", "#7B0051", "#00D1C1", "#FFAA91", "#B4A76C", "#9CA299", "#565A5C", "#00A04B", "#E54C20"), 100) fill_values <- colour_values }

base <- base + theme(legend.key.width=unit(3,"line")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 20)) + scale_colour_manual(values=colour_values) + scale_fill_manual(values = fill_values) + theme(legend.title=element_blank())

if (plot.title != "") { base <- base + ggtitle(plot.title) } if (stripbackground==FALSE){ base <- base + theme(strip.background = element_blank()) }

base layer = axis labels for axes to left of central y-axis [x< -(x.centre.range)]



^^^ this fixes the label color issue and allows the user to select their own color.