xl0418 / ggradar2

ggradar2 is a gg-function to draw a radar plot for data analysis. It is stem from ggradar but has been extended with new features.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ggradar2 is a gg-function to draw a radar plot for data analysis. It is based on ggradar by Ricardo Bion and CreateRadialPlot by Paul Williamson. It has been extended with more features and functionalities.

Install ggradar2

Run the code with package devtools installed.


Update 13th June 2022

Draw the confidence interval (error bar)

A new feature is implemented in the plot function. Now, one can plot the confidence interval on the radar plot by providing ci = ci.df

mtcars.sub <- subset(mtcars,select = c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat"))[1:4,]

# Generate the upper boundary and the lower boundary of the confidence interval.
# Note that the "type"" column indiactes the boundary types.

ci.h <- apply(mtcars.sub, 2, function(x) x + abs(rnorm(length(x), 0, x/10)))
ci.h <- as.data.frame(ci.h)
ci.h$type <- "h"
ci.l <- apply(mtcars.sub, 2, function(x) x - abs(rnorm(length(x), 0, x/10)))
ci.l <- as.data.frame(ci.l)
ci.l$type <- "l"

ci.df <- rbind(ci.h, ci.l)

ggradar2::ggradar2(mtcars.sub, ci = ci.df, group.line.width = 1, group.point.size = 2)


Now, this feature is only valid for single radar plotting not for multi-radars yet.

The customized scales

The scales of the grid lines can be customized now.

For example, one can set 10 grid lines.

ggradar2::ggradar2(mtcars.sub, ci = ci.df, gridline.label = seq(0, 100, 10),group.line.width = 1, group.point.size = 2)


More features are coming soon.

Use ggradar2

Load data.

# Extract the group names. Otherwise, the first column will be chosen as the group names.
group = row.names(mtcars)
df = cbind(group,mtcars)
# The radar chart is not a nice presentation if you want to compare too many groups. Thus here 
# we only focus on 4 groups.
dftest = head(df,4)
# To better distinguish two different styles, 6 groups are selected for illustration.
dftest = dftest[,1:7]

Help document

The interpretation of the arguments are listed here.

Note that some arguments may be depreciated.

Radar charts gallery

Default style

By default




No fill with round grid

If you don't want to fill the polygon, run

ggradar2(dftest,polygonfill = FALSE)


Web type

Depreciated. Replaced by the customized scales gridline.label = seq(0, 100, 10)

A new web type 'lux' has been added by '''webtype'''

mini type

ggradar2(dftest,webtype = 'mini')


luxurious type

ggradar2(dftest,webtype = 'lux')


Gird line trend

Use grid.line.trend = 'increase' to plot an outward-increasing grid lines.

ggradar2(dftest,style = 'sharp',webtype = 'lux',
              group.line.width = 0.5,grid.line.trend = 'increase',gridline.min.linetype = 'solid',
              gridline.max.linetype = 'solid',gridline.min.colour = 'black',gridline.max.colour='black')


Full score

Use fullscore = c(...) to set the full score to each variable.

fullscore <- c(100,10,300,150,10,10)
a <- ggradar2(dftest,fullscore = fullscore)


Sharp grid

A new style has been added. Call out the straight line style by running

ggradar2(dftest,style = 'sharp')


Sharp grid without fill

Get rid of the fill

ggradar2(dftest,style = 'sharp',polygonfill = FALSE)


Removing the legend

ggradar2(dftest,style = 'sharp',polygonfill = FALSE,plot.legend = FALSE)


Multiple plots by subgroups

# Extract 3 brands of cars out of the data frame
facettest <- df[c(1,2,4,5,8:14),]
# Set the subgroup names
facet1 <- mapply(rep,c('Mazda','Hornet','Merc'),c(2,2,7))
facet1 <- Reduce(c,facet1)
facettest <- cbind(facettest,facet1)

ggradar2(facettest,multiplots = TRUE)

Notice that the column name for the subgroups should be 'facet1'. Otherwise, ggradar2 could not recognize it.
