xlate / staedi

StAEDI - Streaming API for EDI: Java library featuring a reader/parser, writer/generator, and validation
Apache License 2.0
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edi edi-api edi-messages edi-reading edi-stream edifact generator parser tradacoms x12

StAEDI - Streaming API for EDI

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StAEDI is a streaming API for EDI reading, writing, and validation in Java. [Support | Wiki]

Event Flow

The API follows the same conventions as StAX (XML API available in the standard JDK) using a "pull" processing flow for EDI parsing and an emit flow for EDI generation.


Maven Coordinates

  <version>CURRENT VERSION</version>


Support is available to assist with incorporating StAEDI into your business's application. Available services include

Please email contact at xlate dot io for more information.

Have a Question?

If you have a question about StAEDI that may not require the opening of an issue, please head to the StAEDI Gitter channel at https://gitter.im/xlate/staedi to discuss.

Reading EDI

Input data is provided using a series of events via the EDIStreamReader class. In addition to events such as the start of a segment or element, the looping/nested structure of the EDI stream is represented using derived events.

+ Start Interchange
| +-- Start Segment (ISA / UNB / STX)
| |     Element Data (repeats)
| +-- End Segment (ISA / UNB / STX)
| |
| +-- Start Functional Group (Optional for EDIFACT and TRADACOMS)
| |   +-- Start Segment (GS / UNG / BAT)
| |   |     Element Data (repeats)
| |   +-- End Segment (GS / UNG / BAT)
| |
| |   +-- Start Transaction/Message
| |   |  +-- Start Segment (ST / UNH / MHD)
| |   |  |     Element Data (repeats)
| |   |  +-- End Segment (ST / UNH / MHD)
| |   |
| |   |  // Segments / Loops specific to the transaction
| |   |
| |   |  +-- Start Segment (SE / UNT / MTR)
| |   |  |     Element Data (repeats)
| |   |  +-- End Segment (SE / UNT / MTR)
| |   +-- End Transaction/Message
| |
| |   +-- Start Segment (GE / UNE / EOB)
| |   |     Element Data (repeats)
| |   +-- End Segment (GE / UNE / EOB)
| +-- End Functional Group
| |
| +-- Start Transaction/Message (EDIFACT and TRADACOMS only, if functional group(s) not used)
| |   // Same content as messages within group
| +-- End Transaction/Message
| |
| +-- Start Segment (IEA / UNZ / END)
| |     Element Data (repeats)
| +-- End Segment (IEA / UNZ / END)
+ End Interchange
EDIInputFactory factory = EDIInputFactory.newFactory();

// Obtain Stream to the EDI document to read.
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(...);

EDIStreamReader reader = factory.createEDIStreamReader(stream);

while (reader.hasNext()) {
  switch (reader.next()) {
    /* Retrieve the standard - "X12", "EDIFACT", or "TRADACOMS" */
    String standard = reader.getStandard();

     * Retrieve the version string array. An array is used to support
     * the componentized version element used in the EDIFACT standard.
     * e.g. [ "00501" ] (X12) or [ "UNOA", "3" ] (EDIFACT)
    String[] version = reader.getVersion();

    // Retrieve the segment name - e.g. "ISA" (X12), "UNB" (EDIFACT), or "STX" (TRADACOMS)
    String segmentName = reader.getText();




    // Retrieve the value of the current element
    String data = reader.getText();


Disable Validation of Control Codes

Out of the box, instances of EDIStreamReader will validate the control structures of X12 and EDIFACT messages (interchange, group, and transaction headers and trailers). This validation includes checking that some fields contain one of an enumerated list of values (e.g. a known transaction set code in X12 segment ST, element 1).

If you wish to disable the validation of the code values but keep the validation of the structure, including field sizes and types, set the EDIInputFactory.EDI_VALIDATE_CONTROL_CODE_VALUES property to false on an instance of EDIInputFactory prior to creating a new EDIStreamReader, as shown below.

// Create an EDIInputFactory
EDIInputFactory factory = EDIInputFactory.newFactory();
factory.setProperty(EDIInputFactory.EDI_VALIDATE_CONTROL_CODE_VALUES, false);

// Obtain an InputStream of the EDI document to read.
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(...);

// Create an EDIStreamReader from the stream using the factory
EDIStreamReader reader = factory.createEDIStreamReader(stream);

// Continue processing with the reader...

Sample Writing X12 EDI

The below example shows how X12 data could be written. TRADACOMS and EDIFACT standards are also supported, using the segments specific to those standards.

EDIOutputFactory factory = EDIOutputFactory.newFactory();

// Obtain Stream write the EDI document.
OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(...);

EDIStreamWriter writer = factory.createEDIStreamWriter(stream);
int groupCount = 0;

// Set a schema for the control structures being written (interchange, group, and transaction envelope segments)
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newFactory();
 * A control schema can be created with the factory by providing the standard
 * and version array. The version is an array to support multi-field versions
 * such as the composite element UNB01 for EDIFACT.
Schema controlSchema = schemaFactory.getControlSchema(EDIStreamConstants.Standards.X12, new String[] { "00501" });


// Write interchange header segment
      .writeElement("          ")
      .writeElement("          ")
      .writeElement("ReceiverID     ")
      .writeElement("Sender         ")

// Write functional group header segment
int txCount = 0;

// Continue writing remainder of group header and transactions, increment `txCount` for each transaction

      /* Count of transactions here must match the actual count of ST/SE pairs */
      /* Control number here must match the value in the group header */

      /* Count of groups here must match the actual count of GS/GE pairs */
      /* Control number here must match the value in the interchange header */

