xlucn / fontpreview-ueberzug

preview fonts in fzf
MIT License
164 stars 11 forks source link
font fzf preview shell ueberzug

fontpreview-ueberzug is a POSIX shell script to preview all fonts installed on system in fzf with ueberzug. It is inspired by fontpreview project while most of the code are completely rewritten here.




Simply run the script, or put the script in your $PATH, or with provided makefile.


For Arch based users, fontpreview-ueberzug-git is available in AUR, thanks to @pabloariasal!


Usage: fontpreview-ueberzug [-h] [-a TEXT_ALIGN] [-s FONT_SIZE] [-b BG_COLOR] [-f FG_COLOR] [-t PREVIEW_TEXT]

    -a     alignment of preview text, you can use center, top/bottom/left/right or
           north/south/west/east, or combinations like topleft, default is center
    -s     preview font size, default is 72, note the actual size depends on the preview area
    -b, -f background and foreground color, default is #ffffff and #000000
    -t     preview text, you can add '\n' to split into lines

The arguments are passed directly to 'convert' command, you can check the ImageMagick documentation to find acceptable formats for them.



This script makes use of some of the environment variables as follows, these are the same in fontpreview so you can use the same settings with fontpreview-ueberzug:

Difference from fontpreview