xmba15 / onnx_runtime_cpp

small c++ library to quickly deploy models using onnxruntime
MIT License
327 stars 49 forks source link
cpp deep-learning face-detection loftr mask-rcnn mask-rcnn-cpp object-detection onnx onnx-cpp onnxruntime paddlepaddle paddleseg paddleseg-onnx superglue superpoint tiny-yolov2 yolov3 yolox


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small c++ library to quickly use onnxruntime to deploy deep learning models

Thanks to cardboardcode, we have the documentation for this small library. Hope that they both are helpful for your work.

Table of Contents
  1. TODO
  2. Installation
  3. How to Build
  4. How to test apps



    # onnxruntime needs newer cmake version to build
    bash ./scripts/install_latest_cmake.bash

    bash ./scripts/install_onnx_runtime.bash

    # dependencies to build apps
    bash ./scripts/install_apps_dependencies.bash

How to build

CPU ```bash make default # build examples make apps ```
GPU with CUDA ```bash make gpu_default make gpu_apps ```

How to Run with Docker

CPU ```bash # build docker build -f ./dockerfiles/ubuntu2004.dockerfile -t onnx_runtime . # run docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace onnx_runtime ```
GPU with CUDA ```bash # build # change the cuda version to match your local cuda version before build the docker docker build -f ./dockerfiles/ubuntu2004_gpu.dockerfile -t onnx_runtime_gpu . # run docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v `pwd`:/workspace onnx_runtime_gpu ``` - Onnxruntime will be built with TensorRT support if the environment has TensorRT. Check [this memo](./docs/onnxruntime_tensorrt.md) for useful URLs related to building with TensorRT. - Be careful to choose TensorRT version compatible with onnxruntime. A good guess can be inferred from [HERE](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/main/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.tensorrt). - Also it is not possible to use models whose input shapes are dynamic with TensorRT backend, according to [this](https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/TensorRT-ExecutionProvider.html#shape-inference-for-tensorrt-subgraphs)

How to test apps

Image Classification With Squeezenet

Usage ```bash # after make apps ./build/examples/TestImageClassification ./data/squeezenet1.1.onnx ./data/images/dog.jpg ``` the following result can be obtained ``` 264 : Cardigan, Cardigan Welsh corgi : 0.391365 263 : Pembroke, Pembroke Welsh corgi : 0.376214 227 : kelpie : 0.0314975 158 : toy terrier : 0.0223435 230 : Shetland sheepdog, Shetland sheep dog, Shetland : 0.020529 ```

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Object Detection With Tiny-Yolov2 trained on VOC dataset (with 20 classes)

Usage - Download model from onnx model zoo: [HERE](https://github.com/onnx/models/tree/master/vision/object_detection_segmentation/yolov2) - The shape of the output would be ```text OUTPUT_FEATUREMAP_SIZE X OUTPUT_FEATUREMAP_SIZE * NUM_ANCHORS * (NUM_CLASSES + 4 + 1) where OUTPUT_FEATUREMAP_SIZE = 13; NUM_ANCHORS = 5; NUM_CLASSES = 20 for the tiny-yolov2 model from onnx model zoo ``` - Test tiny-yolov2 inference apps ```bash # after make apps ./build/examples/tiny_yolo_v2 [path/to/tiny_yolov2/onnx/model] ./data/images/dog.jpg ```

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Object Instance Segmentation With MaskRCNN trained on MS CoCo Dataset (80 + 1(background) clasess)

Usage - Download model from onnx model zoo: [HERE](https://github.com/onnx/models/tree/master/vision/object_detection_segmentation/mask-rcnn) - As also stated in the url above, there are four outputs: boxes(nboxes x 4), labels(nboxes), scores(nboxes), masks(nboxesx1x28x28) - Test mask-rcnn inference apps ```bash # after make apps ./build/examples/mask_rcnn [path/to/mask_rcnn/onnx/model] ./data/images/dogs.jpg ```

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Yolo V3 trained on Ms CoCo Dataset

Usage - Download model from onnx model zoo: [HERE](https://github.com/onnx/models/tree/master/vision/object_detection_segmentation/yolov3) - Test yolo-v3 inference apps ```bash # after make apps ./build/examples/yolov3 [path/to/yolov3/onnx/model] ./data/images/no_way_home.jpg ```

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Usage - App to use onnx model trained with famous light-weight [Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB](https://github.com/Linzaer/Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB) - Sample weight has been saved [./data/version-RFB-640.onnx](./data/version-RFB-640.onnx) - Test inference apps ```bash # after make apps ./build/examples/ultra_light_face_detector ./data/version-RFB-640.onnx ./data/images/endgame.jpg ```

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YoloX: high-performance anchor-free YOLO by Megvii

Usage - Download onnx model trained on COCO dataset from [HERE](https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX/tree/main/demo/ONNXRuntime) ```bash # this app tests yolox_l model but you can try with other yolox models also. wget https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX/releases/download/0.1.1rc0/yolox_l.onnx -O ./data/yolox_l.onnx ``` - Test inference apps ```bash # after make apps ./build/examples/yolox ./data/yolox_l.onnx ./data/images/matrix.jpg ```

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Semantic Segmentation Paddle Seg

Usage - Download PaddleSeg's bisenetv2 trained on cityscapes dataset that has been converted to onnx [HERE](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-anuWG_ppDXmoy0sQ0sgrdutCTGlk95/view?usp=sharing) and copy to [./data directory](./data)
You can also convert your own PaddleSeg with following procedures - [export PaddleSeg model](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSeg/blob/release/2.3/docs/model_export.md) - convert exported model to onnx format with [Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX)
- Test inference apps ```bash ./build/examples/semantic_segmentation_paddleseg_bisenetv2 ./data/bisenetv2_cityscapes.onnx ./data/images/sample_city_scapes.png ./build/examples/semantic_segmentation_paddleseg_bisenetv2 ./data/bisenetv2_cityscapes.onnx ./data/images/odaiba.jpg ```

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Usage - Convert SuperPoint's pretrained weights to onnx format ```bash git submodule update --init --recursive python3 -m pip install -r scripts/superpoint/requirements.txt python3 scripts/superpoint/convert_to_onnx.py ``` - Download test images from [this dataset](https://github.com/StaRainJ/Multi-modality-image-matching-database-metrics-methods) ```bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StaRainJ/Multi-modality-image-matching-database-metrics-methods/master/Multimodal_Image_Matching_Datasets/ComputerVision/CrossSeason/VisionCS_0a.png -P data wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StaRainJ/Multi-modality-image-matching-database-metrics-methods/master/Multimodal_Image_Matching_Datasets/ComputerVision/CrossSeason/VisionCS_0b.png -P data ``` - Test inference apps ```bash ./build/examples/super_point /path/to/super_point.onnx data/VisionCS_0a.png data/VisionCS_0b.png ```

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Usage - Convert SuperPoint's pretrained weights to onnx format: Follow the above instruction - Convert SuperGlue's pretrained weights to onnx format ```bash git submodule update --init --recursive python3 -m pip install -r scripts/superglue/requirements.txt python3 -m pip install -r scripts/superglue/SuperGluePretrainedNetwork/requirements.txt python3 scripts/superglue/convert_to_onnx.py ``` - Download test images from [this dataset](https://github.com/StaRainJ/Multi-modality-image-matching-database-metrics-methods): Or prepare some pairs of your own images - Test inference apps ```bash ./build/examples/super_glue /path/to/super_point.onnx /path/to/super_glue.onnx /path/to/1st/image /path/to/2nd/image ```

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Usage - Download [LoFTR](https://github.com/zju3dv/LoFTR) weights indoor*ds_new.ckpt from [HERE](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xu2Pq6mZT5hmFgiYMBT9Zt8h1yO-3SIp). (LoFTR's [latest commit](b4ee7eb0359d0062e794c99f73e27639d7c7ac9f) seems to be only compatible with the new weights (Ref: https://github.com/zju3dv/LoFTR/issues/48). Hence, this onnx cpp application is only compatible with \_indoor_ds_new.ckpt* weights) - Convert LoFTR's pretrained weights to onnx format ```bash git submodule update --init --recursive python3 -m pip install -r scripts/loftr/requirements.txt python3 scripts/loftr/convert_to_onnx.py --model_path /path/to/indoor_ds_new.ckpt ``` - Download test images from [this dataset](https://github.com/StaRainJ/Multi-modality-image-matching-database-metrics-methods): Or prepare some pairs of your own images - Test inference apps ```bash ./build/examples/loftr /path/to/loftr.onnx /path/to/loftr.onnx /path/to/1st/image /path/to/2nd/image ```

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