xmlBlaster-org / xmlBlaster

XmlBlaster is an event driven messaging middleware which you can use to integrate your new and existing software components inside your company and between different companies.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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____| |____ \ | xmlBlaster README http://www.xmlBlaster.org | / \ | Free Message-oriented Middleware (MOM) | / / |____| \ /) (__\

The XmlBlaster is an XML based MOM (message-oriented middleware) which comes under the LGPL license to be free to use in any application.

XmlBlaster is a pure Java publish/subscribe MOM server which exchanges any messages between publishers and subscribers, the topics have a meta description using XML and are queryable with XPath. Message instances can be queried with XPath or regular expression filter plugins (full text search) or with SQL 92 conditions.

Communication with the server is based on CORBA, XMLRPC or SOCKET and examples for C, C++, Java, PHP, VB.net, C#, Python and Perl clients are provided.

To install and getting started with xmlBlaster read the INSTALL file.

The topic query language for xmlBlaster is XPath. For detailed information about XPath refer to the following URL:

You find examples for XPath (to play with) in the following file:


Examples of Java-clients accessing xmlBlaster you find in directory:

xmlBlaster/demo/javaclients and xmlBlaster/testsuite/src/java/org/xmlBlaster/test

Examples of C++/C/Perl/PHP/Tcl/Python/Java ... clients accessing xmlBlaster you find in directory:

xmlBlaster/demo and xmlBlaster/testsuite

If you want to access xmlBlaster with other languages you have the choice of XmlRpc (simple), CORBA (high performing) or our native SOCKET protocol, for XmlRpc read this guide:


Detailed documentation is available on our requirements pages at


The xmlBlaster.org maintainers http://www.xmlBlaster.org http://www.xmlBlaster.net http://www.xmlBlaster.com http://www.xmlBlaster.info