xmrsale / xmrSale

Lightweight Monero payment processor written in easily deployable Python. Self custody donations and payments, directly connected to your own Bitcoin node! No middleman/custodian.
MIT License
24 stars 6 forks source link


Monero specialized fork of SatSale

xmrSale is a simple, easily deployable, lightweight Monero payment processor that connects to your own Monero node.

Website & Docs: xmrSale.org


Donation Button -----> Monero Payment Gateway
Donate demo
(Click for embed demo)
Initiates payment ----->
Store demo
(Click for WordPress payments demo)

Always manually check significant payments.


xmrSale is a self-hosted Monero payment processor, serving two primary use cases:

  1. Donation button for your website that you can easily embed/link to anywhere.
  2. Monero payment gateway, including a Woocommerce plugin that easily turns ANY Wordpress site into a Monero accepting store.

xmrSale makes donation buttons simple - easy copy paste the one line HTML iframe into your site. With a simple Python backend to talk to your own Monero node, xmrSale uses RPC to generate new addresses, and monitors the payment status with your own copy of the blockchain.



If you want to run on your own node or docker, please checkout this original branch.

First, clone and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/xmrsale/xmrSale
cd xmrSale/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

xmrSale Setup


python3 xmrsale.py --setup

This will download monero-cli tools from downloads.getmonero.org which are used to manage payments. Enter a new password for your new xmrsale_wallet (and .keys). You must backup your passphrase and seedphrase.

Click N when asked whether you want to mine in the background, then type exit.

Now xmrsale will run the monero-wallet-rpc and sync with a public node (node.moneroworld.com). Once you see Refresh done, blocks received... you are ready to run xmrsale! If you want, you can adjust the config.py to your liking. You can always sync with python3 xmrsale.py --sync.

Start xmrSale

Run xmrSale with

gunicorn xmrsale:app --timeout 120

That's it! If running locally, this will be If you allow traffic on that port you should now also be able to view your xmrSale at http://YOUR_IP:8000/. If you're running on a VPS you may need to ufw allow 8000 or make an nginx config.

You will want to run gunicorn with nohup so it continues serving in the background:

nohup gunicorn xmrsale:app --timeout 120 > log.txt 2>&1 &
tail -f log.txt

Embed a Donation Button

Now we have xmrSale running, let's embed the donation button into a website HTML:

<iframe src="http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8000/" style="margin: 0 auto;display:block;width:420px;height:460px;border:none;overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no"></iframe>


Change YOUR_SERVER_IP to the IP address of the machine you're running xmrSale on, node or otherwise. Additionally, you could redirect a domain to that IP and use that instead.

Using HTTPS & Domains

Embedded iframes are easy if your site only uses HTTP. But if your site uses HTTPS, then you can see your donation button at http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8000/ but will not be able to in an embedded iframe. See HTTPS instructions.

Payment Gateway (Woocommerce)

Currently we have a plugin for Woocommerce in Wordpress that makes Monero webstores extremely easy, please click here for installation instructions. xmrSale acts as a custom payment gateway for Woocommerce via the php plugin found in /gateways. We have plans to extend to other web stores in the future. We have milestones for other ecommerce plugins, please reach out if there is one you desire.


First ensure that you have installed torsocks (sudo apt install tor) and have tor running in the background. You can now enable tor=True in the config to connect to remote public nodes over tor.

Additional Usage

xmrsale - Self Hosted Monero Payment Gateway [-h] [-s] [-c] [-t] [--sync]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -s, --setup       Initialise xmrsale for the first time
  -c, --clean       Clean up xmrsale directory
  -t, --test-start  Test run xmrsale
  --sync            Run wallet-rpc alone in foreground to sync wallet


The main code can be found in xmrsale.py. The client-side logic for initiating the payment and querying the API sits in static/xmrsale.js, button appearance in templates/index.html, and Woocommerce plugin in gateways/woo_xmrsale.php. Pull requests welcome.


xmrSale is in very early development. As such, we are not responsible for any loss of funds, vulnerabilities with software, or any other grievances which may arise. Always confirm large payments manually.


With your support, we are continually working to ensure that xmrSale remains up-to-date with the SatSale project, and also building xmrSale specific feature:

Recently we have added:

Please support via the Monero Community Crowdfunding System. You can also support the satSale project as we relied on it heavily as a code base.