xmtp / example-chat-react

This repo has been archived. Replacement apps include the XMTP Quickstart React and XMTP Inbox chat apps. For more details and links, see the README in this repo.
MIT License
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React Chat Example



The XMTP React Chat example app has been archived and this repo is no longer being maintained.

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Example chat application demonstrating the core concepts and capabilities of the XMTP client SDK

This application is built with React, Next.js, and the xmtp-js client SDK.

Use the application to send and receive messages using the XMTP dev network environment, with some important considerations. You are also free to customize and deploy the application.

This application is distributed under MIT License for learning about and developing applications built with XMTP, a messaging protocol and decentralized communication network for blockchain wallets. The application has not undergone a formal security audit.

Getting Started

Configure Infura

Add your Infura ID to .env.local in the project's root.


If you do not have an Infura ID, you can follow these instructions to get one.

Install the package

npm install

Run the development server

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the application.


Wallet Connections

Web3Modal is used to inject a Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, or WalletConnect provider through ethers. Methods for connecting and disconnecting are included in WalletProvider alongside the provider, signer, wallet address, and ENS utilities.

To use the application's chat functionality, the connected wallet must provide two signatures:

  1. A one-time signature that is used to generate the wallet's private XMTP identity
  2. A signature that is used on application start-up to initialize the XMTP client with that identity

Chat Conversations

The application uses the xmtp-js Conversations abstraction to list the available conversations for a connected wallet and to listen for or create new conversations. For each conversation, the application gets existing messages and listens for or creates new messages. Conversations and messages are kept in a lightweight store and made available through XmtpProvider.


Here are some important considerations when working with the example chat application: