xmtp / xmtp-quickstart-react-native

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XMTP React Native quickstart example app

Use this quickstart example app to learn how to create a basic XMTP React Native app that calls through to @xmtp/react-native-sdk.

Run the example app 🚀

  1. Follow the React Native guide to set up a CLI environment.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Run npm run ios or npm run android.

Get started building your own React Native app

  1. Run npx react-native init AwesomeChatProject.
  2. Run npx install-expo-modules@latest.
  3. Run npm install expo.
  4. Run npm i @xmtp/react-native-sdk.
  5. In the android directory, update the build.gradle file to use minSdkVersion = 22. This is required by XMTP.
  6. In the ios directory, update the Podfile file as follows:
    • Set this value: platform :ios, '16.0'. This is required by XMTP.
    • Add this line: pod 'secp256k1.swift', :modular_headers => true. This is required for web3.swift.

You're now ready to build your own React Native chat app with XMTP!