xmyno / oUF_Drk

UnitFrame AddOn using the oUF Framework for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft
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BFA Beta Errors #2

Closed VaporAPX closed 6 years ago

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Love this setup, really want to keep using it in the beta. I get 2 errors when I log in using it.

2x oUF\elements\tags.lua:551: Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_POWER" [C]: in function RegisterEvent' oUF\elements\tags.lua:551: in function <oUF\elements\tags.lua:548> oUF\elements\tags.lua:561: in function <oUF\elements\tags.lua:555> oUF\elements\tags.lua:752: in functionTag' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:149: in function styleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:570: in main chunk Locals: (*temporary) = { 0 = }


3x ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:574: Usage: UnitAura("unit", [index][, "filter"])

...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:574: in function UNIT_AURA' ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:313: in function <...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:306> ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:328: in functionGROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE' ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:156: in function OnUsed' ...er4\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:168: in functionRegisterCallback' oUF_Drk\elements\ResInfo.lua:99: in main chunk Locals: (temporary) = "player" (temporary) = "Soulstone"


xmyno commented 6 years ago

Hey, thanks for the report. Surprised that there are still people using it, since it's been a while that I actively maintained it. Unfortunately I'm no longer playing and also don't have beta access, so this will be some guesswork.

Try the changes in the bfa branch (https://github.com/xmyno/oUF_Drk/tree/bfa). UNIT_POWER got renamed to UNIT_POWER_UPDATE. As for ResInfo, it's just not added to the raid_bars unit now, so this should hopefully prevent the error. I've read it needs to be modified to check auras with indices instead of the spellname.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

I appreciate you updating this even without playing or beta, I'll try and be your eyes and ears because I find this layout hands down the best of the bunch and I really wanna use it lol.

Using the bfa branch version I get a ton of errors most specifically with the castbar enabled ( I remember this from a previous version so I started using gnosis). With the cast bar disabled I get the following errors using the bfa branch.

1075x oUF_Drk\tags.lua:396: Usage: UnitAura("unit", [index][, "filter"])

oUF_Drk\tags.lua:396: in function ?' oUF\elements\tags.lua:694: in functionUpdateTag' oUF\elements\tags.lua:536: in function func' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:206: in functionUpdateAllElements' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:60: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:41> oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:83: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:76> C: in function SetAttribute' FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:203: in function <FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:123> FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:488: in functionSecureGroupHeader_Update' FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:71: in function <FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:66> C: in function `SetAttribute' FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:101: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:95> FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:127: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:119> Locals: (temporary) = "player" (temporary) = "Enveloping Mist"

25x ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:574: Usage: UnitAura("unit", [index][, "filter"])

...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:574: in function UNIT_AURA' ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:313: in function <...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:306> ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:328: in functionGROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE' ...ddOns\oUF_Drk\libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-24.lua:156: in function OnUsed' ...er4\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:168: in functionRegisterCallback' oUF_Drk\elements\ResInfo.lua:99: in main chunk Locals: (temporary) = "player" (temporary) = "Soulstone"

4x oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:11: table index is nil oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:11: in main chunk Locals: addon = "oUF_Drk" ns =

{ cfg = { } } cfg = { 0 = unitframeScale = 1 playerCastBarY = 210 targetCastBarWidth = 200 showRaid = true showRunebar = true bossWidth = 200 raidX = -410 targetBuffs = true font = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" statusbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showShardbar = true bossX = 10 playerCastBarX = 14 targetCastBarY = 250 enableRightClickMenu = true fontsize =
{ } raidStyle = "RECT" DebuffWatchList =
{ } raidScale = 1 playerAuras = false showThreatIndicator = true targetCastBarHeight = 25 raidShowSolo = false portrait_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\portrait" bossSide = "RIGHT" updateSpec = defined @oUF_Drk\cfg.lua:459 raidGrowth = "HOVER" backdrop_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop" raid_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" totBuffs = false debuff_border_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\iconborder" focusBuffs = false targetCastBarX = 7 targetY = 325 playerCastBarHeight = 30 playerCastBarWidth = 300 showChibar = true raidOrientationHorizontal = true IndicatorList =
{ } Castbars = false showTooltips = true showRoleIconsHoverOnly = false smallfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" targetCastBarOnUnitframe = true alwaysShowArtifactXPBar = false targetDebuffs = true showIndicators = true focusDebuffs = true playerCastBarOnUnitframe = true showHolybar = true squarefont = "oUF_Drk\media\squares.ttf" showArtifactPowerBar = true raidfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" backdrop_edge_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop_edge" showExperienceBar = true highlight_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" playerX = -180 showArcaneChargesbar = true powerbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showRoleIcons = true totDebuffs = true unitframeWidth = 250 showPortraits = true raidY = 227 AltPowerBarPlayer = false playerY = 325 raidOffsetY = 30 targetX = 180 showComboPoints = true showIncHeals = true bossY = -200 } cast = { 0 = } (temporary) =
{ } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = 689 (temporary) = "table index is nil"

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Also I forgot to mention that I'm using the new 8.0 version of OUF, I remember this layout always used its own custom version, so I dunno if that's where some of these errors are coming from.

xmyno commented 6 years ago

At Legion release(?) it was unsure how oUF on wowinterface will be updated, so at that time I included the latest version from github in the addon zip. Also 8.0 oUF should be necessary. A lot of API changes that affect it, so it wouldn't work without.

I added a workaround for the UnitAura error. Could not test it properly since there aren't even PTR servers up :( Also added a fix for the castbar.

Please give it a try.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Only error I get now is

1x oUF\events.lua:114: Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT"

oUF\events.lua:114: in function RegisterEvent' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:353: in functionstyleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in function `Spawn' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:570: in main chunk Locals: (temporary) = oUF_DrkPlayerFrame { 0 = Portrait = { } tags =

{ } UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:41 unit = "player" elements =
{ } Power = { } UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:84 UNIT_EXITING_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:41 ArtifactPower = { } Experience = { } HealPrediction =
{ } Highlight = { } unitType = "player" PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 Health = { } PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED = defined @oUF_Drk\cfg.lua:494 UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:41 style = "drk:player" } (temporary) = "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT" (*temporary) = "player"

This is also with the cast bar enabled, not disabled like before. With the cast bar disabled I get no errors, but I get a graphical glitch on all the frames.


xmyno commented 6 years ago

Swapped SPELLCAST_SENT for SPELLCAST_START, should probably make no difference.

The broken bars happen when there are lua errors while creating unit stuff.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

No errors now, but the graphical issue still persists. The cast bar works but I think its the latency portion of it that's off because only the player cast bar has a red background at all times.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

My mistake, with auras enabled on my target I get the following when a buff is applied.

305x oUF_Drk\core.lua:171: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'timeLeft' (a string value) oUF_Drk\core.lua:171: in function <oUF_Drk\core.lua:164> Locals: self = oUF_DrkTargetFrame.BuffsButton2 { overlay = { } elapsed = 0.10400000587106 UpdateTooltip = defined @oUF\elements\auras.lua:74 caster = "player" stealable = { } first = true border = { } timeLeft = "player" isPlayer = true count = { } filter = "HELPFUL" 0 = time = { } icon = { } cd = oUF_DrkTargetFrame.BuffsButton2Cooldown { } } elapsed = 0.0090000005438924 (temporary) = "player" (temporary) = 165771.828 (temporary) = 165771.828 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'timeLeft' (a string value)" core = { 0 = PostCreateIcon = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:191 createBuffTimer = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:164 addDebuffs = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:299 createBackdrop = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:20 HealPrediction_Override = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:93 formatTime = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:147 addHighlight = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:47 addBuffs = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:274 PostUpdateIcon = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:228 createFontString = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:38 }

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Fixed, next? :D

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

I've noticed that the class specific bars won't disable either. I thought maybe the chi bar was causing the graphical issue and upon trying to disable it, it doesn't work. Tested with a prot pally too, it shows wrong number of charges and won't disable.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Auras work now, just the graphical bar issue, red background full time on player cast bar, and class specific bars not functioning as intended.

No actual Lua errors coming up now upon using the UI though.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Also notice a small blue bar running horizontally under the player unit frame that I can't seem to disable. I don't ever recall it being there or what it is lol. I don't know if it has anything to do with anything, just trying to give you as much information as I can. You can see the bar in the pic I posted earlier.


xmyno commented 6 years ago

Small blue bar below is "Additional Power" bar, so something like DruidMana when shapeshifted. The element got renamed in oUF, so it should hopefully be fixed now.

The green and blue bars should disappear if you disable cfg.showIncHeals, seems like something broke there too. I'll look at that tomorrow.

In regards to class bars I'm a bit clueless at the moment. Have to look around a bit more.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Yep the additional power bar is gone now, have to test it with a druid to see if it comes back properly. The green bars were indeed showheals and are gone like you said. Player cast bar is also working properly now, proper colors, not red all the time.

Only remaining issue is the class bars that I've found. Will do some dungeon testing tonight too see if thats all good.

Really appreciate you getting this going and all the work put in. Love this UI, have used it forever, not ready to give up on it lol

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Did some more testing this morning and found that the rested and in combat icons don't work properly. They don't cause errors, but both are shown all the time regardless of state.

xmyno commented 6 years ago

A lot of elements in oUF were renamed after I stopped active development (and didn't bother updating my oUF version). Changed all the element names and it should hopefully be compatible with oUF 8.x again.

This includes class power, the indicators that you mentioned, health prediction (heal, absorb) etc. So pretty much all issues you reported for now.

bfa branch is updated with these changes.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Got 2 new errors with the current update:

1x oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:200: attempt to index global 'combat' (a nil value) oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:200: in function styleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:317: in main chunk Locals: self = oUF_DrkTargetFrame { 0 = Highlight = { } Power = { } __tags =

{ } PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 unit = "target" style = "drk:target" Castbar = oUF_DrkCastbartarget { } unitType = "target" Portrait = { } Health = { } CombatIndicator = { } __elements =
{ } PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 } h = { 0 = } CombatIndicator = { 0 = } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "BOTTOMRIGHT" (temporary) = 7 (temporary) = -7 (temporary) = (temporary) = oUF_DrkCastbartarget { 0 = Spark = { } CompleteColor =
{ } Icon = { } PostCastStop = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:127 CastingColor =
{ } PostCastInterrupted = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:142 PostCastStart = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:97 ChannelingColor =
{ } Text = { } Time = { } PostCastFailed = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:142 FailColor =
{ } PostChannelStop = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:136 OnUpdate = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:60 PostChannelStart = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:97 } (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0 (*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'combat' (a nil value)" cfg = { 0 = unitframeScale = 1 playerCastBarY = 210 targetCastBarWidth = 200 showRaid = true showRunebar = true bossWidth = 175 raidHideMissingHealth = true raidX = -491 targetBuffs = true font = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" statusbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showShardbar = true bossX = 325 playerCastBarX = 14 targetCastBarY = 250 showComboPoints = true fontsize =
{ } raidStyle = "RECT" DebuffWatchList =
{ } raidScale = 1 playerAuras = false showThreatIndicator = true targetCastBarHeight = 25 raidShowSolo = false portrait_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\portrait" bossSide = "RIGHT" updateSpec = defined @oUF_Drk\cfg.lua:494 raidGrowth = "HOVER" backdrop_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop" raid_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" totBuffs = false debuff_border_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\iconborder" focusBuffs = false targetCastBarX = 7 targetY = 325 playerCastBarHeight = 30 playerCastBarWidth = 300 showChibar = true raidOrientationHorizontal = false IndicatorList =
{ } Castbars = true showTooltips = true showRoleIconsHoverOnly = false smallfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" targetCastBarOnUnitframe = true alwaysShowArtifactXPBar = true targetDebuffs = true targetX = 180 focusDebuffs = true playerCastBarOnUnitframe = true showHolybar = true squarefont = "oUF_Drk\media\squares.ttf" showArtifactPowerBar = true raidfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" backdrop_edge_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop_edge" highlight_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showExperienceBar = true playerX = -180 powerbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showArcaneChargesbar = true showRoleIcons = true totDebuffs = true unitframeWidth = 250 showPortraits = true raidY = -890 raidOffsetY = 30 playerY = 325 AltPowerBarPlayer = false showIndicators = true enableRightClickMenu = true showIncHeals = true bossY = 350 } core = { 0 = PostCreateIcon = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:191 createBuffTimer = defined @oUF_Drk\core.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

1x oUF_Drk\units\boss-Boss.lua:107: attempt to index field 'AltPowerBar' (a nil value) oUF_Drk\units\boss-Boss.lua:107: in function styleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\boss-Boss.lua:225: in main chunk Locals: self = oUF_DrkBossFrame1 { 0 = Highlight = { } __tags =

{ } UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:41 unit = "boss1" UNIT_PET = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:223 __elements =
{ } INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 Power = { } id = "1" UNIT_EXITING_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:41 AlternativePower = { } style = "drk:boss" Health = { } PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 unitType = "boss" UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:41 UNIT_TARGETABLE_CHANGED = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 } s = { 0 = } h = { 0 = } b = { 0 = } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = 0.17647058823529 (temporary) = 0.17647058823529 (temporary) = 0.17647058823529 (temporary) = (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0.8 (temporary) = (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'AltPowerBar' (a nil value)" cfg = { 0 = unitframeScale = 1 playerCastBarY = 210 targetCastBarWidth = 200 showRaid = true showRunebar = true bossWidth = 175 raidHideMissingHealth = true raidX = -491 targetBuffs = true font = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" statusbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showShardbar = true bossX = 325 playerCastBarX = 14 targetCastBarY = 250 showComboPoints = true fontsize =
{ } raidStyle = "RECT" DebuffWatchList =
{ } raidScale = 1 playerAuras = false showThreatIndicator = true targetCastBarHeight = 25 raidShowSolo = false portrait_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\portrait" bossSide = "RIGHT" updateSpec = defined @oUF_Drk\cfg.lua:494 raidGrowth = "HOVER" backdrop_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop" raid_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" totBuffs = false debuff_border_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\iconborder" focusBuffs = false targetCastBarX = 7 targetY = 325 playerCastBarHeight = 30 playerCastBarWidth = 300 showChibar = true raidOrientationHorizontal = false IndicatorList =
{ } Castbars = true showTooltips = true showRoleIconsHoverOnly = false smallfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" targetCastBarOnUnitframe = true alwaysShowArtifactXPBar = true targetDebuffs = true targetX = 180 focusDebuffs = true playerCastBarOnUnitframe = true showHolybar = true squarefont = "oUF_Drk\media\squares.ttf" showArtifactPowerBar = true raidfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" backdrop_edge_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop_edge" highlight_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showExperienceBar = true playerX = -180 powerbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showArcaneChargesbar = true showRoleIcons = true totDebuffs = true unitframeWidth = 250 showPortraits = true raidY = -890 raidOffsetY = 30 playerY = 325 AltPowerBarPlayer = false showIndicators = true enableRightClickMenu = true showIncHeals = true bossY = 350 } core = { 0 = PostCreateIcon = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:191 createBuffTimer = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:164 addDebuffs = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:299 createBackdrop = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:20 createFontString = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:38 formatTime = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:147 HealthPrediction_Override = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:93 addHighlight = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:47 ad

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Also get this one while in a group

24x oUF_Drk\elements\raidDebuffs.lua:130: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) oUF_Drk\elements\raidDebuffs.lua:130: in function <oUF_Drk\elements\raidDebuffs.lua:118> oUF_Drk\elements\raidDebuffs.lua:177: in function <oUF_Drk\elements\raidDebuffs.lua:172> (tail call): ? Locals: InCombatSkipped

xmyno commented 6 years ago

First two were typos. Not sure if I managed to fix the last though.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

One more typo, I fixed it but wanted to post here so you can update properly. Everything seems to be working well now, I'll test the group one again when I can. Really want to say thanks again for all this work with me getting this going, it has been greatly appreciated!

2x oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:200: attempt to index global 'combat' (a nil value) oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:200: in function styleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:317: in main chunk

Locals: self = oUF_DrkTargetFrame { 0 = Highlight = { } Power = { } __tags =

{ } PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 unit = "target" style = "drk:target" Castbar = oUF_DrkCastbartarget { } unitType = "target" Portrait = { } Health = { } CombatIndicator = { } __elements =
{ } PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:195 } h = { 0 = } CombatIndicator = { 0 = } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "BOTTOMRIGHT" (temporary) = 7 (temporary) = -7 (temporary) = (temporary) = oUF_DrkCastbartarget { 0 = Spark = { } CompleteColor =
{ } Icon = { } PostCastStop = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:127 CastingColor =
{ } PostCastInterrupted = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:142 PostCastStart = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:97 ChannelingColor =
{ } Text = { } Time = { } PostCastFailed = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:142 FailColor =
{ } PostChannelStop = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:136 OnUpdate = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:60 PostChannelStart = defined @oUF_Drk\castbar.lua:97 } (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0 (*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'combat' (a nil value)" cfg = { 0 = unitframeScale = 1 playerCastBarY = 210 targetCastBarWidth = 200 showRaid = true showRunebar = true bossWidth = 175 raidHideMissingHealth = true raidX = -491 targetBuffs = true font = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" statusbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showShardbar = true bossX = 325 playerCastBarX = 14 targetCastBarY = 250 showComboPoints = true fontsize =
{ } raidStyle = "RECT" DebuffWatchList =
{ } raidScale = 1 playerAuras = false showThreatIndicator = true targetCastBarHeight = 25 raidShowSolo = false portrait_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\portrait" bossSide = "RIGHT" updateSpec = defined @oUF_Drk\cfg.lua:494 raidGrowth = "HOVER" backdrop_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop" raid_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" totBuffs = false debuff_border_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\iconborder" focusBuffs = false targetCastBarX = 7 targetY = 325 playerCastBarHeight = 30 playerCastBarWidth = 300 showChibar = true raidOrientationHorizontal = false IndicatorList =
{ } Castbars = true showTooltips = true showRoleIconsHoverOnly = false smallfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" targetCastBarOnUnitframe = true alwaysShowArtifactXPBar = true targetDebuffs = true targetX = 180 focusDebuffs = true playerCastBarOnUnitframe = true showHolybar = true squarefont = "oUF_Drk\media\squares.ttf" showArtifactPowerBar = true raidfont = "oUF_Drk\media\homizio.ttf" backdrop_edge_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\backdrop_edge" highlight_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showExperienceBar = true playerX = -180 powerbar_texture = "oUF_Drk\media\dM" showArcaneChargesbar = true showRoleIcons = true totDebuffs = true unitframeWidth = 250 showPortraits = true raidY = -890 raidOffsetY = 30 playerY = 325 AltPowerBarPlayer = false showIndicators = true enableRightClickMenu = true showIncHeals = true bossY = 350 } core = { 0 = PostCreateIcon = defined @oUF_Drk\core.lua:191 createBuffTimer = defined @oUF_Drk\core.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

This isn't an issue really, but I'm just curious if it would be hard to make it so the artifact xp bar tracks the new heart of azeroth artifact neck. As of now it just doesn't show and I have to enable the ugly af standard blizzard bar to track the xp on my neck.

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Oh yeah, sorry. Sometimes hard to catch them all without being able to test. :S

Artifact related stuff is handled by https://github.com/Rainrider/oUF_ArtifactPower . The layout itself doesn't do more then provide a bar for it. Not sure if this is already updated somewhere, Raidrider is pretty active I think.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Rainrider has recently updated his oUF_ArtifactPower and asked me to test it upon requesting this option for your layout. When I use his new updated version I get the following error (not sure if its yours or his error so I've posted it to both):

3x oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:261: attempt to compare number with nil oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:261: in function <oUF_Drk\units\player.lua:255> (tail call): ? (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:206: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:195> (tail call): ? [C]: in function `Show' FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:83: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:73> FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:137: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:119> Locals: self = { __owner = oUF_DrkPlayerFrame { } current = 934 PostUpdate = defined @oUF_Drk\units\player.lua:255 color =

{ } Text = { } UpdateColor = defined @oUF_ArtifactPower\oUF_ArtifactPower.lua:232 ForceUpdate = defined @oUF_ArtifactPower\oUF_ArtifactPower.lua:317 max = 1250 unusableColor =
{ } level = 3 bg = { } 0 = } event = "OnShow" isShown = 934 (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = { 0 = } (temporary) = "%d / %d%s" (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Updated usage of it, give it a try.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

I get several errors using the updated artifact power with this new version:

3x oUF_Drk\tags.lua:254: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 252) near '.' Locals:

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

3x oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: Attempted to use invalid tag [drk:level]. [C]: in function error' oUF\elements\tags.lua:664: in functionTag' oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:54: in function styleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\target-Target.lua:317: in main chunk Locals: (*temporary) = "Attempted to use invalid tag [drk:level]."

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

15x oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: Attempted to use invalid tag [drk:color]. [C]: in function error' oUF\elements\tags.lua:664: in functionTag' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:55: in function styleFunc' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:240> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:740: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:557: in main chunk Locals: (*temporary) = "Attempted to use invalid tag [drk:color]."

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

9x oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:316: Attempted to use invalid tag [drk:name+threat].

FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua:641: in function <FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua:640> FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua:779: in function `CallMethod'

(tail call): ?

FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:484: in function <FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:447> FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:116: in function <FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:110> FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:166: in function <FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:123> FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:399: in function <FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:387> C: in function Show' FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:100: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:95> FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:164: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:146> [C]: in functionSetAttribute' FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:11: in function RegisterAttributeDriver' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:643: in functionSpawnHeader' oUF_Drk\units\raid_bars.lua:284: in main chunk Locals: nil

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Again please, stupid typos.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Only one now:

1x oUF_Drk\tags.lua:257: attempt to compare number with function oUF_Drk\tags.lua:257: in function ?' oUF\elements\tags.lua:679: in functionUpdateTag' oUF\elements\tags.lua:536: in function func' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:206: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:195> (tail call): ? [C]: in functionShow' FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:83: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:73> FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:137: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:119> Locals: traitsLearnable = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_ArtifactPower\oUF_ArtifactPower.lua:132 (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = "%d / %d%s" (temporary) = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_ArtifactPower\oUF_ArtifactPower.lua:75 (temporary) = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_ArtifactPower\oUF_ArtifactPower.lua:114 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with function"

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Again. Drycoding when not having written lua in a while isn't a good mix 😄

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

One more error (sorry for delay, had to go sleep after working nights lol)

2x oUF_Drk\tags.lua:257: attempt to compare number with nil oUF_Drk\tags.lua:257: in function ?' oUF\elements\tags.lua:679: in functionUpdateTag' oUF\elements\tags.lua:536: in function func' oUF\ouf-@project-version@.lua:206: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:195> (tail call): ? [C]: in functionShow' FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:83: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:73> FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:137: in function <FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:119> Locals: traitsLearnable = nil (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = "%d / %d%s" (temporary) = 934 (temporary) = 1250 (temporary) =

{ GetBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:34 equipmentSlotIndex = 2 IsBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:52 SetEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:38 HasAnyLocation = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:56 Clear = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:21 IsEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:48 IsEqualToBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:60 SetBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:27 IsEqualTo = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:76 GetEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:44 IsEqualToEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:68 } (temporary) = 934 (temporary) = 1250 (temporary) = 934 (*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Pushed another attempt.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Seems to be working now. I'll report back with some play time under my belt, make sure receiving azerite and all that good stuff doesn't cause any errors.

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Good to hear! Don't hesitate to report any other issues. I need to ask around if someone I know has beta access. My inactive account probably won't get flagged for it. 😃

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Appreciate all this updating and support very much, I've said it a few times, but thank you again for all this! Love these unit frames, can't live without em lol

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Minor little thing, but if you're bored and feel like coding, when you have buffs enabled to show on the player frame they overlap with the Artifact XP bar. Super minor, but a glitch nonetheless :)

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Found another glitch, the animation of the artifact xp bar doesn't update on the fly. The number amount changes and shows properly, but the bar doesn't fill unless you reload the UI. The top picture is just after receiving azerite, and the lower is the same thing just a reloaded UI.


LiquidGaming commented 6 years ago

Love this OuF UI. Any chance this will be updated for pre-patch and BFA. Played Legion without it and it sucked.

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Did you try the bfa branch (https://github.com/xmyno/oUF_Drk/tree/bfa) that I worked on with the help of @VaporAPX? Other than that I can only give you a maybe. I have no intention of buying BFA and artifact experience especially can't really be tested on a F2P account. Perhaps if it's possible to play BFA on the PTR.

Aideenwolf commented 6 years ago

Yep- lots of fun errors that I've given up tryin to figure out LUA for - that being said.. if yer willing ti knock it out i'm willing to post the errors it spits. ;)

Current bfa branch is kicking out the following errors in live: 35x integer overflow attempting to store 12506951765 C: in function format' oUF_Drk\tags.lua:254: in function?' oUF\elements\tags.lua:680: in function `UpdateTag' oUF\elements\tags.lua:499: in function <oUF\elements\tags.lua:494>

Locals: (temporary) = "%d / %d%s" (temporary) = 12506951765 (temporary) = 15792000000 (temporary) = ""

10x oUF\events.lua:111: Attempt to register unknown event "HONOR_PRESTIGE_UPDATE"

oUF\events.lua:111: in function RegisterEvent' ...Ons\oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:125: in functionenable' oUF\ouf-8.0.0.lua:113: in function EnableElement' oUF\ouf-8.0.0.lua:328: in function <oUF\ouf.lua:245> (tail call): ? oUF\ouf-8.0.0.lua:680: in functionSpawn' oUF_Drk\units\player-Player.lua:557: in main chunk

Locals: (temporary) = oUF_DrkPlayerFrame { 0 = HealthPrediction =

{ } __tags =
{ } PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:200 UNIT_MAXHEALTH = defined @oUF\elements\healthprediction.lua:200 GroupRoleIndicator = { } UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT = defined @oUF_Drk\elements\oUF_ComboPoints.lua:52 Power = { } UNIT_HEAL_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED = defined @oUF\elements\healthprediction.lua:200 PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED = defined @oUF_Drk\cfg.lua:494 HONOR_XP_UPDATE = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 DrkCPoints = { } style = "drk:player" PvPIndicator = { } UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:46 ArtifactPower = { } Portrait = { } UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION = defined @oUF\elements\healthprediction.lua:200 PLAYER_LEVEL_UP = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 RaidTargetIndicator = { } unit = "player" GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE = defined @oUF\elements\assistantindicator.lua:59 HONOR_PRESTIGE_UPDATE = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 HONOR_LEVEL_UPDATE = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 ENABLE_XP_GAIN = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 AssistantIndicator = { } UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:46 UNIT_MAXPOWER = defined @oUF_Drk\elements\oUF_ComboPoints.lua:52 UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED = defined @oUF\elements\healthprediction.lua:200 Castbar = oUF_DrkCastbarplayer { } AdditionalPower = AdditionalPowerBar { } UNIT_HEALTH = defined @oUF\elements\healthprediction.lua:200 LeaderIndicator = { } UNIT_EXITING_VEHICLE = defined @oUF\ouf.lua:46 PLAYER_XP_UPDATE = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 ClassPower = { } DISABLE_XP_GAIN = defined @oUF_Drk\embeds\oUF_Experience\oUF_Experience.lua:95 RestingIndicator = { } Experience = { } __elements =
{ } Highlight = { } CombatIndicator = { } unitType = "player" Health = { } } (temporary) = "HONOR_PRESTIGE_UPDATE"

xmyno commented 6 years ago

That looks like an oUF core error. Did you update your oUF to a BFA version?

Edit: nvm, it's from the Experience plugin. There's probably an update for that.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

That error fires until you actually receive the new heart of azeroth neck in the bfa beta, then goes away. I meant to post this a while back but forgot about it tbh lol. More of a big deal now that 8.0 is live but you can't get the heart yet....

LiquidGaming commented 6 years ago

These are the errors Im getting.

 photo Drk errors msg.png  photo Drk errors msg 2.png

I do have the latest oUF installed. How do i go about fixing this, if at all possible. Also sorry to see you have left WoW xmyno. I usually come and go myself from time to time.

Aideenwolf commented 6 years ago

So just commenting out the following got rid of most of the errors... R125 --self:RegisterEvent('HONOR_PRESTIGE_UPDATE', Path) R159 --self:UnregisterEvent('HONOR_PRESTIGE_UPDATE', Path)

There's still something wonky with the cast bar (I assume it's the code for the healing/overhealing) See the picture below (the Blue and green line) this goes away as soon as a heal is actually cast and it doesn't seem to return. The raid icons are all bunched in a corner. Plus I keep showing up as a boss on the side - but hey -- it's coming together!

 photo WoWScrnShot_071818_125110.jpg

Strangely i'm not getting any errors for the above picture. so I can only make guesses right now. Also yes - I did update to the new version of oUF so it is very possible an issue with their code and not so much yours. :)

xmyno commented 6 years ago

Development will continue in develop branch (https://github.com/xmyno/oUF_Drk/tree/develop), now that bfa is live.

I fixed the issue with oUF_Experience (basically just updated the plugin ':D) and an issue with oUF_ArtifactPower and so far it seems to be working fine. Please give it a try. If you encounter any more issues please report. :)

dukeler commented 6 years ago

Thanks alot, It's working fine now. Thanks for adding fontsize editing option in cfg, my old one didnt have that. I'll write if I get any kind of errors.

LiquidGaming commented 6 years ago

Everything is working great so far, just wondering how to get rid of the green bar in the pic below.

 photo Drk errors msg 3.png

Also you think a link should be posted on WoW Interface, im sure others would love to have an updated version of this.

VaporAPX commented 6 years ago

Green bar is the "bars" layout for raid frames. Set it to "rect" in the cfg.lua file. Set to hide solo to keep the style but not show unless grouped.