xmyoot / linkedin-web-scraper

a node.js package for getting job listings from linkedin.com
MIT License
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npm package

A Node.js package for getting job listings from LinkedIn

Note on stability

If LinkedIn changes their UI, this library might stop working. If you encounter issues, please submit an issue/PR and I will get to it when I can. If you use this package regularly and are interested in helping maintain it, please reach out.


You can install using npm.

npm i linkedin-job-scraper

Include the package

const linkedIn = require('linkedin-job-scraper');

Basic Usage:

const queryOptions = {
  keyword: 'software engineer',
  location: 'los angeles',
  dateSincePosted: 'past Week',
  jobType: 'full time',
  remoteFilter: 'remote',
  salary: '100000',
  experienceLevel: 'entry level',
  limit: '20'

linkedIn.query(queryOptions).then(response => {
    console.log(response); // An array of Job objects

Query Object Parameters

query() accepts a queryOptions object and returns an array of Job objects.

Parameter LinkedIn Default value Description
keyword "" string - The text to search: (i.e. Software Developer)
location "" string - The name of the city: (i.e. Los Angeles)
dateSincePosted "" string - Max range of jobs: past month, past week, 24hr
jobType "" string - Type of position: full time, part time, contract, temporary, volunteer
remoteFilter "" string - Filter telecommuting: on site, remote, hybrid
salary "" string - Minimum Salary: 40000, 60000, 80000, 100000, 120000
experienceLevel "" string - internship, entry level, associate, senior, director, executive
limit "" string - Number of jobs returned: (i.e. '1', '10', '100', etc)

Job Objects

Paramter Description (Default: null)
position string - Position title
company string - Company name
location string - Location of the job
date string - Date the job was posted
salary string - Salary range
jobUrl string - URL of the job page


If you have an idea on how to improve this package, feel free to contribute!

  1. Clone or fork the repository
  2. Make changes
  3. Submit a pull request