xnuinside / simple-ddl-parser

Simple DDL Parser to parse SQL (HQL, TSQL, AWS Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake and other dialects) ddl files to json/python dict with full information about columns: types, defaults, primary keys, etc. & table properties, types, domains, etc.
MIT License
175 stars 40 forks source link
bigquery columns ddl ddl-parser ddls hive hql mssql mysql oracle-database oracle-db parser postgresql redshift schemas snowflake sql sql-parser tsql types

Simple DDL Parser

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Build with ply (lex & yacc in python). A lot of samples in 'tests/.

Is it Stable?

Yes, library already has about 9000+ downloads per day - https://pypistats.org/packages/simple-ddl-parser..

As maintainer, I guarantee that any backward incompatible changes will not be done in patch or minor version. But! Pay attention that sometimes output in keywords can be changed in minor version because of fixing wrong behaviour in past.

Articles with examples

  1. SQL Diagram (Part 3): SQL-to-ERD with DDL: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/sql-diagram-part-3-sql-to-erd-with-ddl-4c9840ee86c3

Updates in version 1.x

The full list of updates can be found in the Changelog below (at the end of README).

Version 1.0.0 was released due to significant changes in the output structure and a stricter approach regarding the scope of the produced output. Now, you must provide the argument 'output_mode=name_of_your_dialect' if you wish to see arguments/properties specific to a particular dialect

How does it work?

Parser supports:

You can check dialects sections after Supported Statements section to get more information that statements from dialects already supported by parser. If you need to add more statements or new dialects - feel free to open the issue.

Feel free to open Issue with DDL sample

Pay attentions that I'm adding functional tests for all supported statement, so if you see that your statement is failed and you didn't see it in the test 99,9% that I did n't have sample with such SQL statement - so feel free to open the issue and I will add support for it.

If you need some statement, that not supported by parser yet: please provide DDL example & information about that is it SQL dialect or DB.

Types that are used in your DB does not matter, so parser must also work successfully to any DDL for SQL DB. Parser is NOT case sensitive, it did not expect that all queries will be in upper case or lower case. So you can write statements like this:

    Alter Table Persons ADD CONSTRAINT CHK_PersonAge CHECK (Age>=18 AND City='Sandnes');

It will be parsed as is without errors.

If you have samples that cause an error - please open the issue (but don't forget to add ddl example), I will be glad to fix it.

A lot of statements and output result you can find in tests on the github - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/tree/main/tests .

How to install

    pip install simple-ddl-parser

How to use

Extract additional information from HQL (& other dialects)

In some dialects like HQL there is a lot of additional information about table like, fore example, is it external table, STORED AS, location & etc. This property will be always empty in 'classic' SQL DB like PostgreSQL or MySQL and this is the reason, why by default this information are 'hidden'. Also some fields hidden in HQL, because they are simple not exists in HIVE, for example 'deferrable_initially' To get this 'hql' specific details about table in output please use 'output_mode' argument in run() method.


    ddl = """
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS default.salesorderdetail(
        SalesOrderID int,
        ProductID int,
        OrderQty int,
        LineTotal decimal
    PARTITIONED BY (batch_id int, batch_id2 string, batch_32 some_type)
    LOCATION 's3://datalake/table_name/v1'

    result = DDLParser(ddl).run(output_mode="hql")

And you will get output with additional keys 'stored_as', 'location', 'external', etc.

    # additional keys examples
    'location': "'s3://datalake/table_name/v1'",
    'map_keys_terminated_by': "'\\003'",
    'partitioned_by': [{'name': 'batch_id', 'size': None, 'type': 'int'},
                        {'name': 'batch_id2', 'size': None, 'type': 'string'},
                        {'name': 'batch_32', 'size': None, 'type': 'some_type'}],
    'primary_key': [],
    'row_format': 'DELIMITED',
    'schema': 'default',
    'stored_as': 'TEXTFILE',

If you run parser with command line add flag '-o=hql' or '--output-mode=hql' to get the same result.

Possible output_modes: ['redshift', 'spark_sql', 'mysql', 'bigquery', 'mssql', 'databricks', 'sqlite', 'vertics', 'ibm_db2', 'postgres', 'oracle', 'hql', 'snowflake', 'sql']

From python code

    from simple_ddl_parser import DDLParser

    parse_results = DDLParser("""create table dev.data_sync_history(
        data_sync_id bigint not null,
        sync_count bigint not null,
        sync_mark timestamp  not  null,
        sync_start timestamp  not null,
        sync_end timestamp  not null,
        message varchar(2000) null,
        primary key (data_sync_id, sync_start)
    ); """).run()


To parse from file

    from simple_ddl_parser import parse_from_file

    result = parse_from_file('tests/sql/test_one_statement.sql')

From command line

simple-ddl-parser is installed to environment as command sdp

    sdp path_to_ddl_file

    # for example:

    sdp tests/sql/test_two_tables.sql

You will see the output in schemas folder in file with name test_two_tables_schema.json

If you want to have also output in console - use -v flag for verbose.

    sdp tests/sql/test_two_tables.sql -v

If you don't want to dump schema in file and just print result to the console, use --no-dump flag:

    sdp tests/sql/test_two_tables.sql --no-dump

You can provide target path where you want to dump result with argument -t, --target:

    sdp tests/sql/test_two_tables.sql -t dump_results/

Get Output in JSON

If you want to get output in JSON in stdout you can use argument json_dump=True in method .run() for this

    from simple_ddl_parser import DDLParser

    parse_results = DDLParser("""create table dev.data_sync_history(
        data_sync_id bigint not null,
        sync_count bigint not null,
    ); """).run(json_dump=True)


Output will be:

[{"columns": [{"name": "data_sync_id", "type": "bigint", "size": null, "references": null, "unique": false, "nullable": false, "default": null, "check": null}, {"name": "sync_count", "type": "bigint", "size": null, "references": null, "unique": false, "nullable": false, "default": null, "check": null}], "primary_key": [], "alter": {}, "checks": [], "index": [], "partitioned_by": [], "tablespace": null, "schema": "dev", "table_name": "data_sync_history"}]

More details

DDLParser(ddl).run() .run() method contains several arguments, that impact changing output result. As you can saw upper exists argument output_mode that allow you to set dialect and get more fields in output relative to chosen dialect, for example 'hql'. Possible output_modes: ['redshift', 'spark_sql', 'mysql', 'bigquery', 'mssql', 'databricks', 'sqlite', 'vertics', 'ibm_db2', 'postgres', 'oracle', 'hql', 'snowflake', 'sql']

Also in .run() method exists argument group_by_type (by default: False). By default output of parser looks like a List with Dicts where each dict == one entity from ddl (table, sequence, type, etc). And to understand that is current entity you need to check Dict like: if 'table_name' in dict - this is a table, if 'type_name' - this is a type & etc.

To make work little bit easy you can set group_by_type=True and you will get output already sorted by types, like:

        'tables': [all_pasrsed_tables], 
        'sequences': [all_pasrsed_sequences], 
        'types': [all_pasrsed_types], 
        'domains': [all_pasrsed_domains],

For example:

    ddl = """
    CREATE TYPE "schema--notification"."ContentType" AS
        ENUM ('TEXT','MARKDOWN','HTML');
        CREATE TABLE "schema--notification"."notification" (
            content_type "schema--notification"."ContentType"
    CREATE SEQUENCE dev.incremental_ids
        INCREMENT 10
        START 0
        MINVALUE 0
        MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
        CACHE 1;

    result = DDLParser(ddl).run(group_by_type=True)

    # result will be:

    {'sequences': [{'cache': 1,
                    'increment': 10,
                    'maxvalue': 9223372036854775807,
                    'minvalue': 0,
                    'schema': 'dev',
                    'sequence_name': 'incremental_ids',
                    'start': 0}],
    'tables': [{'alter': {},
                'checks': [],
                'columns': [{'check': None,
                            'default': None,
                            'name': 'content_type',
                            'nullable': True,
                            'references': None,
                            'size': None,
                            'type': '"schema--notification"."ContentType"',
                            'unique': False}],
                'index': [],
                'partitioned_by': [],
                'primary_key': [],
                'schema': '"schema--notification"',
                'table_name': '"notification"'}],
    'types': [{'base_type': 'ENUM',
                'properties': {'values': ["'TEXT'", "'MARKDOWN'", "'HTML'"]},
                'schema': '"schema--notification"',
                'type_name': '"ContentType"'}]}

ALTER statements

Right now added support only for ALTER statements with FOREIGEIN key

For example, if in your ddl after table definitions (create table statements) you have ALTER table statements like this:

ALTER TABLE "material_attachments" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("material_id", "material_title") REFERENCES "materials" ("id", "title");

This statements will be parsed and information about them putted inside 'alter' key in table's dict. For example, please check alter statement tests - tests/test_alter_statements.py

More examples & tests

You can find in tests/ folder.

Dump result in json

To dump result in json use argument .run(dump=True)

You also can provide a path where you want to have a dumps with schema with argument .run(dump_path='folder_that_use_for_dumps/')

Raise error if DDL cannot be parsed by Parser

By default Parser does not raise the error if some statement cannot be parsed - and just skip & produce empty output.

To change this behavior you can pass 'silent=False' argumen to main parser class, like:

DDLParser(.., silent=False)

Normalize names

Use DDLParser(.., normalize_names=True)flag that change output of parser: If flag is True (default 'False') then all identifiers will be returned without '[', '"' and other delimiters that used in different SQL dialects to separate custom names from reserved words & statements. For example, if flag set 'True' and you pass this input:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TO_Requests]( [Request_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [user_id] [int]

In output you will have names like 'dbo' and 'TO_Requests', not '[dbo]' and '[TO_Requests]'.

Supported Statements

SparkSQL Dialect statements

HQL Dialect statements



MSSQL / MySQL/ Oracle



AWS Redshift Dialect statements

Snowflake Dialect statements


Parser settings


  1. Logging to file

To get logging output to file you should provide to Parser 'log_file' argument with path or file name:

    DDLParser(ddl, log_file='parser221.log').run(group_by_type=True)
  1. Logging level

To set logging level you should provide argument 'log_level'

    DDLParser(ddl, log_level=logging.INFO).run(group_by_type=True)

Thanks for involving & contributions

Most biggest 'Thanks' ever goes for contributions in parser: https://github.com/dmaresma https://github.com/cfhowes https://github.com/swiatek25 https://github.com/slurpyb https://github.com/PBalsdon

Big thanks for the involving & contribution with test cases with DDL samples & opening issues goes to:

for help with debugging & testing support for BigQuery dialect DDLs:





  1. Added support for INDEX statement in column definition - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/253



  1. Now, unique set up to column only if it was only one column in unique constraint/index. Issue - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/255
  2. Fixed issue when UNIQUE KEY was identified as primary key - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/253




  1. Indexes without schema causes issues in BigQuery dialect - fixed.



  1. Added new output keywords in table definition - temp & is_global. Added support for create global temporary table - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/182




  1. Timezone was moved out from type definition to keyword 'with_time_zone' it can be True (if with time zone) or False (if without) BigQuery:
  2. Previously Range in RANGE_BUCKETS was parsed as a columns, now this behaviour is changed and range placed in own keyword - 'range' (can be array or str). Also for all `*_TRUNC PARTITIONS like DATETIME_TRUNC, TIMESTAMP_TRUNC, etc, second argument moved to arg 'trunc_by'



  1. Added support for PostgreSQL with / without time zone - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/250


  1. Added support for GENERATE_ARRAY in RANGE_BUCKETS https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/183




  1. Fixed issue relative to auto_increment that caused empty output if auto_increment defined in table properties - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/206



  1. auto_increment added as property to mysql output


  1. Added support for constraint name in column definition - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/203
  2. Added support for GENERATED (ALWAYS | (BY DEFAULT [ON NULL])) AS IDENTITY in column definition


  1. Added support for CAST statement in column GENERATE ALWAYS expression - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/198




  1. Added support for INDEX statement inside table definition
  2. Added support for MySQL INVISIBLE/VISIBLE statement - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/243


  1. Added support for cluster by statement before columns definition - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/234



  1. Support functions with schema prefix in DEFAULT and CHECK statements. https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/240


  2. Fix for REFERENCES NOT NULL - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/239
  3. Fix for snowflake stage name location format bug fix - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/pull/241



  1. Fixed bug with CREATE OR REPLACE SCHEMA.
  2. Added support of create empty tables without columns CREATE TABLE tablename (); (valid syntax in SQL)


  1. Fixed bug with snowflake stage_ fileformat option value equal a single string as FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = '\"', FIELD_DELIMITER = '|'
  2. improve snowflake fileformat key equals value into dict. type.



  1. Fixed bug with places first table property value in 'authorization' key. Now it is used real property name.
  2. Fixed typo on Databricks dialect
  3. improved equals symbols support within COMMENT statement.
  4. turn regexp into functions

MySQL Improvements

  1. UNSIGNED property after int parsed validly now


  1. Snowflake TAG now available on SCHEMA definitions.


Minor Fixes

  1. When using normalize_names=True do not remove [] from types like decimal(21)[].
  2. When using normalize_names=True ensure that "complex"."type" style names convert to complex.type.

v1.0.0 In output structure was done important changes that can in theory breaks code.

Important changes

  1. Important change:

all custom table properties that are defined after column definition in 'CREATE TABLE' statement and relative to only one dialect (only for SparkSQL, or HQL,etc), for example, like here: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/blob/main/tests/dialects/test_snowflake.py#L767 or https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/blob/main/tests/dialects/test_spark_sql.py#L133 will be saved now in property table_properties as dict. Previously they was placed on same level of table output as columns, alter, etc. Now, they grouped and moved to key table_properties.

  1. Formatting parser result now represented by 2 classes - Output & TableData, that makes it more strict and readable.

  2. The output mode now functions more strictly. If you want to obtain output fields specific to a certain dialect, use output_mode='snowflake' for Snowflake or output_mode='hql' for HQL, etc. Previously, some keys appeared in the result without being filtered by dialect. For example, if 'CLUSTER BY' was in the DDL, it would show up in the 'cluster_by' field regardless of the output mode. However, now all fields that only work in certain dialects and are not part of the basic SQL notation will only be shown if you choose the correct output_mode.

New Dialects support

  1. Added as possible output_modes new Dialects:
    • Databricks SQL like 'databricks',
    • Vertica as 'vertica',
    • SqliteFields as 'sqlite',
    • PostgreSQL as 'postgres'

Full list of supported dialects you can find in dict - supported_dialects:

from simple_ddl_parser import supported_dialects

Currently supported: ['redshift', 'spark_sql', 'mysql', 'bigquery', 'mssql', 'databricks', 'sqlite', 'vertics', 'ibm_db2', 'postgres', 'oracle', 'hql', 'snowflake', 'sql']

If you don't see dialect that you want to use - open issue with description and links to Database docs or use one of existed dialects.

Snowflake updates:

  1. For some reasons, 'CLONE' statement in SNOWFLAKE was parsed into 'like' key in output. Now it was changed to 'clone' - inner structure of output stay the same as previously.

MySQL updates:

  1. Engine statement now parsed correctly. Previously, output was always '='.

BigQuery updates:

  1. Word 'schema' totally removed from output. Dataset used instead of schema in BigQuery dialect.


Minor Fixes

  1. Removed debug print



  1. Added support for several ALTER statements (ADD, DROP, RENAME, etc) - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/215 In 'alter' output added several keys:
    1. 'dropped_columns' - to store information about columns that was in table, but after dropped by alter
    2. 'renamed_columns' - to store information about columns that was renamed
    3. 'modified_columns' - to track alter column changes for defaults, datetype, etc. Argument stores previous columns states.


  1. Include source column names in FOREIGN KEY references. Fix for: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/196
  2. ALTER statement now will be parsed correctly if names & schemas written differently in create table statement and alter. For example, if in create table you use quotes like "schema_name"."table_name", but in alter was schema_name.table_name - previously it didn't work, but now parser understand that it is the same table.



Snowflake update:

  1. Added support for Snowflake Virtual Column definition in External Column AS () statement - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/218
  2. enforce support for Snowflake _FILE_FORMAT options in External Column ddl statement - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/221


  1. Support for KEY statement in CREATE TABLE statements. KEY statements will now create INDEX entries in the DDL parser.



Snowflake update:

  1. Added support for Snowflake AUTOINCREMENT | IDENTITY column definitions with optional parameter ORDER|NOORDER statement - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/213


  1. Added param 'encoding' to parse_from_file function - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/142. Default encoding is utf-8.



Snowflake update:

  1. Support multiple tag definitions in a single WITH TAG statement.
  2. Added support for Snowflake double single quotes - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/208



  1. Move inline flag in regexp (issue with python 3.11) - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/pull/200 Fix for: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/199


  1. Added Snowflake Table DDL support of WITH MASKING POLICY column definition - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/201


  1. All deps updated to the latest versions.



  1. IDENTITY now parsed normally as a separate column property. Issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/184

New Features:

  1. IN TABLESPACE IBM DB2 statement now is parsed into 'tablespace' key. Issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/194. INDEX IN also parsed to 'index_in' key. Added support for ORGANIZE BY statement

  2. Added support for PostgreSQL INHERITS statement. Issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/191


Important updates:

  1. Python 3.6 is deprecated in tests and by default, try to move to Python3.7, but better to 3.8, because 3.7 will be deprecated in 2023.


  1. Fix for https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/177


  1. Added support for Oracle 2 component size for types, like '30 CHAR'. From https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/176



  1. AUTOINCREMENT statement now parsed validly same way as AUTO_INCREMENT and showed up in output as 'autoincrement' property of the column Fix for: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/170
  2. Fix issue ' TypeError argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable' on some foreigen keys https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/148

New Features

  1. Support for non-numeric column type parameters https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/171 It shows in column attribute 'type_parameters'.

v0.28.1 Improvements:

  1. Lines started with INSERT INTO statement now successfully ignored by parser (so you can keep them in ddl - they will be just skipped)


  1. Important fix for multiline comments


Important Changes (Pay attention):

  1. Because of parsing now AUTO_INCREMENT as a separate property of column previous output changed. Previously it was parsed as a part of type like: 'INT AUTO_INCREMENT'. Now type will be only 'INT', but in column property you will see 'autoincrement': True.

Amazing innovation:

  1. It's is weird to write in Changelog, but only in version 0.28.0 I recognize that floats that not supported by parser & it was fixed. Thanks for the sample in the issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/163

Improvements: MariaDB:

  1. Added support for MariaDB AUTO_INCREMENT (from ddl here - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/144) If column is Auto Incremented - it indicated as 'autoincrement': True in column definition


  1. Added parsing for multiline comments in DDL with /* */ syntax.
  2. Comments from DDL now all placed in 'comments' keyword if you use group_by_type= arg in parser.
  3. Added argument 'parser_settings={}' (dict type) in method parse_from_file() - this way you can pass any arguments that you want to DDLParser (& that supported by it) So, if you want to set log_level=logging.WARNING for parser - just use it as: parse_from_file('path_to_file', parser_settings={'log_level': logging.WARNING}). For issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/160



  1. Fixed parsing CHECKS with IN statement - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/150
  2. @# symbols added to ID token - (partially) https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/146


  1. Added support for '*' in size column (ORACLE dialect) - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/151
  2. Added arg 'debug' to parser, works same way as 'silent' - to get more clear error output.

New features:

  1. Added support for ORACLE 'ORGANIZATION INDEX'
  2. Added support for SparkSQL Partition by with procedure call - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/154
  3. Added support for DEFAULT CHARSET statement MySQL - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/153



  1. Parsetab included in builds.
  2. Added additional argumen log_file='path_to_file', to enable logging to file with providen name.


  1. Bugfix for (support CREATE OR REPLACE with additional keys like transient/temporary): https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/133



  1. Added support for OR REPLACE in CREATE TABLE: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/131
  2. Added support for AUTO INCREMENT in column:https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/130



  1. Fixed a huge bug for incorrect parsing lines with 'USE' & 'GO' strings inside.
  2. Fixed parsing for CREATE SCHEMA for Snowlake & Oracle DDLs


  1. Added COMMENT statement for CREATE TABLE ddl (for SNOWFLAKE dialect support)
  2. Added COMMENT statement for CREATE SCHEMA ddl (for SNOWFLAKE dialect support)



  1. support Multiple SERDEPROPERTIES - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/126
  2. Fix for issue with LOCATION and TBLPROPERTIES clauses in CREATE TABLE LIKE - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/125
  3. LOCATION now works correctly with double quote strings

v0.26.0 Improvements:

  1. Added more explicit debug message on Statement errors - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/116
  2. Added support for "USING INDEX TABLESPACE" statement in ALTER - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/119
  3. Added support for IN statements in CHECKS - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/121

New features:

  1. Support SparkSQL USING - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/117 Updates initiated by ticket https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/120:
  2. In Parser you can use argument json_dump=True in method .run() if you want get result in JSON format.
    • README updated


  1. Added support for PARTITION BY one column without type
  2. Alter table add constraint PRIMARY KEY - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/119
  3. Fix for paring SET statement - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/pull/122
  4. Fix for disappeared columns without properties - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/123



  1. Fix for issue with 'at time zone' https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/112

New features:

  1. Added flag to raise errors if parser cannot parse statement DDLParser(.., silent=False) - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/109
  2. Added flag to DDLParser(.., normalize_names=True) that change output of parser: if flag is True (default 'False') then all identifiers will be returned without '[', '"' and other delimiters that used in different SQL dialects to separate custom names from reserved words & statements. For example, if flag set 'True' and you pass this input:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TO_Requests]( [Request_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [user_id] [int]

In output you will have names like 'dbo' and 'TO_Requests', not '[dbo]' and '[TO_Requests]'.



  1. Fix for the issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/108 (reserved words can be used as table name after '.')




  1. fields_terminated_by now parses , as "','", not as '' previously


  1. To output added 'if_not_exists' field in result to get availability 1-to-1 re-create ddl by metadata.




  1. More then 2 tblproperties now are parsed correctly https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/pull/104


  1. 'set' in lower case now also parsed validly.
  2. Now names like 'schema', 'database', 'table' can be used as names in CREATE DATABASE | SCHEMA | TABLESPACE | DOMAIN | TYPE statements and after INDEX and CONSTRAINT.
  3. Creation of empty tables also parsed correctly (like CREATE Table table;).

New Statements Support:


  1. Added support for CLUSTERED BY - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/103
  2. Added support for INTO ... BUCKETS


Big refactoring: less code complexity & increase code coverage. Radon added to pre-commit hooks.


  1. Fix for issue with ALTER UNIQUE - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/101

New Features

  1. SQL Comments string from DDL now parsed to "comments" key in output.





  1. Fix for issue with '<' - https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/89




  1. Fixed issue with parsing schemas with project in name.
  2. Added support for multiple OPTION() statements




  1. CREATE TABLE statement with 'project_id' in format like project.dataset.table_name now is parsed validly. 'project' added to output. Also added support project.dataset.name format in CREATE SCHEMA and ALTER statement



  1. Fix for the issue: https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/issues/94 (column name starts with CREATE)


New Features:


  1. Added support for OPTION for full CREATE TABLE statement & column definition


  1. CLUSTED BY can be used without ()