xolvio / meteor-http-interceptor

Intercepts HTTP calls and allows fake implementations to take over entire domains. Used for testing.
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Meteor HTTP Interceptor

Intercepts HTTP calls and allows fake implementations to take over entire domains.

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See this repo for an example of OAuth stubbing for GitHub. Your app can work offline even if it has a dependency on OAuth!

This package is for testing (deterministic responses from 3rd parties) and developing (on planes!)


// You must do this as this package is a debugOnly package and it's weakly referenced
HttpInterceptor = Package['xolvio:http-interceptor'].HttpInterceptor;

// Set the domain you wish to overtake and where you wish to redirect the requests to
HttpInterceptor.registerInterceptor('https://github.com', Meteor.absoluteUrl('fake.github.com'));

// You can then define some server side routes to stub out responses from the domain you overtook
Router.route('fake.api.github.com/user', function () {
  var cannedResponse = {
    'login': 'gh_fake',
    'id': 1234567,
    'name': 'Github Fake',
    'email': 'github-fake@example.com'
  this.response.writeHead(200, {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
}, {where: 'server'});

NOTE :This package is a debugOnly package, which means it will not be deployed to production and will only work in development mode.

Future Work