xorvoid / hydra

Hydra: A hybrid runtime for x86-16 MS-DOS and Aarch64
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Hydra is a runtime for reverse-engineering x86-16 MS-DOS binaries. It is designed to support hybrid computation where some functions have been decompiled to ordinary C code and others remain in x86-16 machine-code.


The overall goal of the Hydra runtime is to provide a platform to integrate decompiled code back into a running x86-16 MS-DOS binary. A more traditional approach is to recompile to the original target and link into the original binary. This approach is prohibitive for a couple reasons:

  1. The address-space on x86-16 is already highly constrained to 640KB and applications of the time already optimized extensively to utilize that limited platform. They used several clever techniques such as overlays, calls to HIMEM, etc. Carving more out of this already constrained address space or trying to fit recompilations within the original function's byte-rage is quite prohibitive.

  2. Resurrecting and using an ancient code-rotting compiler is also a challenging task for little benefit.

Instead, we built Hydra to allow us to compile decompiled functions to ordinary Mac M1 Aarch64 machine code, and to allow a hybrid computation model that calls back-and-forth between the two different machines.

X86-16 Emulation and Hooks

Hydra wraps the dosbox-x emulation to execute binaries. Dosbox-x has been forked and patched to capture machine-state and provide hooks for Hydra to interrupt its execution at any instruction address.

Function hooks

The main mechanism provided is a function hook such as follows:


  u16 arg = ARG_16(0x6);

  u16 result = F_some_other_function(m, arg);
  if (result > 1) {
    AX = 4;
  } else {
    AX = 5;


void hook_init()
  HDYRA_REGISTER_ADDR(H_my_function, 0x0399, 0x0123);

When the x86-16 emulator reaches address 0399:0123, Hydra will interrupt the execution and call the H_my_function routine above (running on Aarch64). This function can do pretty much anything to the x86-16 machine state: modify registers, write memory, call other x86-16 functions, return to arbitrary addresses, trigger an interrupt, read/write to an I/O port, etc etc etc. The call to F_some_other_function is an example of calling an arbitrary function. This function may be x86-16 machine code or may again be a hooked Hydra function. When the function reaches RETURN_FAR(), the Hydra Runtime will return back into the emulator using a retf equivalent return.

Annotations system

Hydra also provides an extensive annotations metadata system with supports defining:

For example, one can access global variables that map to the same memory as the x86-16:


  G_some_global = 42;


Other mechanisms provided

Hydra provides many other helpful features:

In addition, dis86 is designed to generate code that compiles and runs correctly with hydra.


Functions running on Aarch64 clearly use a different stack and address-space than x86-16. No effort is made for x86-16 code to be able to access this address-space. Instead it's a pure "shadow space". This means that any local variables on the stack of a Hydra function cannot escape. If a local variable needs to be passed to another function that may reside on x86-16, then it must be on that machine's stack. In addition, each Hydra function stack-frame resides on a different stack allocation.

Cloning and Building

git submodule init
git submodule update
just build

Example: generating annotation metadata

Creating annotations file:

cat >annotations.py <<END
from hydra.annotations import Function as F, UNKNOWN
from hydra.annotations import Global as G
from hydra.annotations import TextData as T
from hydra.annotations import CallstackConf as C

Functions = [
  ##  name        ret-type  num-args  start-addr   end-addr
  F( "F_foobar",  "u16",    2,        "1234:0042", "1234:0056" ),

DataSection = [
  G( "G_my_global",  typ = "u32",   off = 0x01f4),

TextSection = [

Callstack = [
  ## Interrupt handlers
  C( "MOUSE",  "HANDLER",  "07a0:0004" ),

Generating appdata sources:

./py/generate.py annotations.py --appdata-hdr --output-path hydra_user_appdata.h
./py/generate.py annotations.py --appdata-src --output-path hydra_user_appdata.c