xpando / WindowsPowerShell

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Open BigTarr opened 7 years ago

BigTarr commented 7 years ago


They have shutdown Codeplex....> 'https://conemu.codeplex.com/downloads/get/891710'

-usebasicparsing -usedefaultcredentials -outfile .\ConEmu.7z

BigTarr commented 7 years ago

It's in the step where you a the last bit in this snippet of your instructions

Setup ConEmu - Includes the color scheme you see in the screenshot.

Clone repo with ConEmu configuration and installation script

cd C:\ git clone https://github.com/xpando/ConEmu.git cd ConEmu

Install fonts

dir .\Fonts*.ttf |% { add-font -path $_ }

download and unzip ConEmu binaries
