xqueue / maileon-php-api-client

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Maileon API Client

Provides an API client to connect to XQueue Maileon's REST API and (de-)serializes all API functions and data for easier use in PHP projects.

Maileon's REST API documentation can be found here.

Table of contents


The API client requires PHP >= 7.0 with libxml and libcurl.

Additionally all requests use an SSL encrypted API endpoint. To enable SSL support in CURL, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the official SSL cert bundle by CURL from https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem
  2. Save the bundle to a directory that can be accessed by your PHP installation
  3. Add the following entry to your php.ini (remember to change the path to where you put the cert bundle):


You can add this library to your project using Composer:

composer require xqueue/maileon-api-client


The API client divides the features of Maileon's REST API into specific consumable services. Each service provides all functions of it's specific category.

The following services are available:


Contact examples

use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\ContactsService;

require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$contactsService = new ContactsService([ 'API_KEY' => 'Your API key', ]);

$contact = $contactsService->getContactByEmail('foo@bar.com')->getResult();


use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\ContactsService; use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\StandardContactField;

require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$contactsService = new ContactsService([ 'API_KEY' => 'Your API key', ]);

$getContact = $contactsService->getContactByEmail( email:'foo@bar.com', standard_fields:[ StandardContactField::$FIRSTNAME, StandardContactField::$LASTNAME, ], custom_fields:[ 'My custom field in Maileon', ] );

if (!$getContact->isSuccess()) { die($getContact->getResultXML()->message); }

$contact = $getContact->getResult();


use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\ContactsService; use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\Contact; use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\Permission; use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\Preference; use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\StandardContactField; use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\SynchronizationMode;

require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$contactsService = new ContactsService([ 'API_KEY' => 'Your API key', ]);

$contact = new Contact( email:'foo@bar.com', standard_fields:[ StandardContactField::$FIRSTNAME => 'Foo', StandardContactField::$LASTNAME => 'Bar', ], custom_fields:[ 'My custom field in Maileon' => 'A value corresponding to the field type', ], );

$creation = $contactsService->createContact( contact:$contact, syncMode:SynchronizationMode::$IGNORE, src:'An optional source of the contact creation', subscriptionPage:'An additional source of the contact creation', doi:true, doiPlus:true, // Enable single user tracking with the DOI process doiMailingKey:'A key to identify the DOI mailing', );

if (!$creation->isSuccess()) { die($creation->getResultXML()->message); }

* Synchronize a larger list of contacts in bulk

use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\ContactsService;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\Contacts;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\Contact;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\Permission;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\SynchronizationMode;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\contacts\StandardContactField;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$contactsService = new ContactsService([
    'API_KEY' => 'Your API key',

$contactList = new Contacts();

for ($i=1; $i<=10000; $i++) {
        new Contact(
                StandardContactField::$FIRSTNAME => 'Foo',
                StandardContactField::$LASTNAME => 'Bar',
                'My custom field in Maileon' => 'A value corresponding to the field type',

$response = $contactsService->synchronizeContacts(

// The response contains some statistics and, if ignore_invalid_contacts is set
// to true, information about possibly failed contact creations, see
// https://maileon.com/support/synchronize-contacts/#articleTOC_3

Report example

use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\reports\ReportsService;

require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$contactsService = new ReportsService([ 'API_KEY' => 'Your API key', ]);

$index = 1; do { $getUnsubscribers = $contactsService->getUnsubscribers( pageIndex:$index++, pageSize:1000 );

foreach ($getUnsubscribers->getResult() as $unsubscriber) {
    printf('%s unsusbcribed in mailing %u at %s'.PHP_EOL,

} while($getUnsubscribers->getResponseHeaders()['X-Pages'] >= $index);

* Get [KPI](https://kpi.org/KPI-Basics) data for a specific mailing:

use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\reports\ReportsService;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$reportsService = new ReportsService([
    'API_KEY' => 'Your API key',

$mailingId = 123;

$recipients = $reportsService->getRecipientsCount(mailingIds:[$mailingId])->getResult();
$opens = $reportsService->getOpensCount(mailingIds:[$mailingId])->getResult();
$clicks = $reportsService->getClicksCount(mailingIds:[$mailingId])->getResult();
$unsubscribers = $reportsService->getUnsubscribersCount(mailingIds:[$mailingId])->getResult();
$conversions = $reportsService->getConversionsCount(mailingIds:[$mailingId])->getResult();

Mailing example

use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\mailings\MailingsService;

require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$mailingsService = new MailingsService([ 'API_KEY' => 'Your API key', ]);

$mailingId = $mailingsService->createMailing( name:'My campaign name', subject:'Hi [CONTACT|FIRSTNAME]! We got some news for you!' )->getResult();

$mailingsService->setSender($mailingId, 'foo@bar.com'); $mailingsService->setSenderAlias($mailingId, 'Maileon news team'); $mailingsService->setHTMLContent( mailingId:$mailingId, html:'...', doImageGrabbing:true, doLinkTracking:true ); $mailingsService->setTargetGroupId($mailingId, 123); $mailingsService->sendMailingNow($mailingId);

### Transaction example

* Send a new transaction including product information as an order confirmation:

use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\transactions\ContactReference;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\transactions\Transaction;
use de\xqueue\maileon\api\client\transactions\TransactionsService;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$transactionsService = new TransactionsService([
    'API_KEY' => 'Your API key',

$transaction = new Transaction(
    typeName:'My event to trigger',
    contact:new ContactReference(
        'foo' => 'bar',
        'items' => [
                'name' => 'foo',
                'quantity' => 2,
                'price' => 27.99
                'name' => 'bar',
                'quantity' => 1,
                'price' => 16.49
