xrchz / rocketsplit

Withdrawal address contract for splitting Rocket Pool node rewards
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link


Withdrawal address contract for splitting Rocket Pool node rewards

Contract functionality

Here we give an overview of how the contract works. In practice, users will set it up and interact with it using our web-based UI (i.e. there is no need to directly interact with the contracts). This information is provided for the sake of understanding what using a RocketSplit withdrawal address means at a deeper level.


The following accounts are of relevance:


Steps to run on dev net

  1. Run a dev chain in a dedicated terminal: anvil -f <your_eth1_node>:<node_port> --derivation-path "m/44'/60'/0'/"
  2. In the root directory of the project install eth-ape using pip: pip install eth-ape
  3. Run ape plugins install .
  4. Run ape compile
  5. Run ape run -I deploy
  6. In the ui/ directory run node setup.js
  7. Serve the ui/ directory using an http server such as python -m http.server 8000

You want to make sure the RPC endpoint address in both ape-config.yml and ui/setup.js is pointing to your running RPC endpoint. For example, if running a local dev net.