xrnm / odnd-character-sheet

This interactive character sheet is intended to create a convenient and easy place to keep track of character statistics, items, attributes, experiences, and more in a digital format.
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Revived Interactive Character Sheet (ICS)

This interactive character sheet is intended to create a convenient and easy place to keep track of character statistics, items, attributes, experiences, and more in a digital format.

ICS automatically calculates many fields based on the rules and should eliminate the need to constantly reference rulebooks while playing to determine changes to character stats.

Finally, ICS keeps track of the weight of all items on the character and in bags/containers to keep an accurate total of character weight and make adjustments to movement.

There is a version of the tool running here: https://ics.blacktowergames.com

Features that are conspicuously absent

  1. Carts / Strongholds / vaults etc
  2. Unload warning on navigation
  3. Unload Warning on new character creation
  4. Adjustments on pretty much everything
  5. More beautifulness in the styles

Developing and Deploying

1: Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:xrnm/odnd-character-sheet.git

2:Install Node and use NPM to install the Angular CLI

npm install -g @angular/cli

3: Install Yarn and project dependencies

npm install -g yarn

yarn install

4: Run the application in development mode

ng serve

Visit the application by navigating to http://localhost:4200

Enjoy hot reloading!

5: Create a production build

ng build This will create a directory called dist which contains the entire site. This can be hosted in an S3 bucket or any other location of your choice.


If you'd like to help build features and fix bugs to improve the character sheet feel free to fork it and make pull requests.

TODO: Determine a style guide and give more guidance about contributing.

License & Copyright

Initial "Source available" license

Intended for use by players. Please do not distribute or use in any commercial works.


Copyright 2020 Justin Edwards. All rights reserved.