xryanglab / SCASL

single-cell clustering based on alternative splicing landscapes
Apache License 2.0
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SCASL: single-cell clustering based on alternative splicing landscapes

SCASL is a strategy of cell clustering by systematically assessing the landscapes of single-cell RNA splicing. SCASL is mainly used to: 1) Extraction of AS information from scRNA-seq data and imputation of missing values, 2) identify novel single cell cluster based on the AS level, 3) reveal the transition relationship between clusters and the differential splicing pattern, 4) identify important differential splicing events.

If you want to use this method or our result in your research, please cite our paper, the detailed introduction and application of the algorithm can also be found in the paper: Interrogations of single-cell RNA splicing landscapes with SCASL define new cell identities with physiological relevance (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-46480-9).


1.0.0 (We will continue to supplement the functions and application range of scasl)


Xianke Xiang, Xuerui Yang.

Getting start

Dependencies and requirements

The packages that SCASL depends on and the versions corresponding to the packages are organized in requirements.txt. The package has been tested on conda 4.10.3 and is platform independent (tested on Windows, macOS and Linux).

Environment Setup

> conda create -n scasl -c conda-forge scikit-learn python=3.9
> source activate scasl
> conda install -c conda-forge pandas pyyaml seaborn tqdm easydict umap-learn
> conda install -c davidaknowles r-leafcutter
> conda install -c bioconda samtools -y


  1. If you encounter difficulties downloading Leafcutter using conda, you have the option to use the source code instead and add the path to the source code to the environment variable.

    > git clone https://github.com/davidaknowles/leafcutter
  2. In addition to using Leafcutter, users also have the option to utilize the 'SJ.out.tab' files generated automatically from the STAR mapping pipeline as junction files. To modify the junction path, simply navigate to the location of the "SJ.out.tab" file in the configs/srr.yaml file.

It usually takes less than 15 minutes to complete the environment configuration.


> source activate scasl
> python main.py -y configs/srr.yaml

Parameter settings

By default, this method uses the bam file (any mapping method can be adopted) or junction file as the initial input and can directly output the clustering results. At the same time, it also supports users to use intermediate files as input to run the py files in the scasl folder step by step to get the results they want.

The following parameters can be adjusted directly in configs/srr.yaml to use scasl:

There are also some other parameters that users can adjust by themselves to optimize the clustering effect according to their own data, such as setting max_n_cluster in cluster.py to output clustering scores to assist in judging the most appropriate number of clusters.


The final output file is a cluster label file, preds represents the predicted AS cluster label. At the same time, many intermediate files will be generated (such as AS probability matrix, NA position information), and users can extract intermediate files as needed.

Elucidation of intermediate files:

As an example of configuration file, configs/srr.yaml and bam provides a minimized version of bam data for scRNA-seq. You can also choose to use the demo of the intermediate files (from TNBC-2) in data/junction for testing.

The total test time of the demo files is expected to be less than 3 minutes, and the results are stored in process_result_demo. However, github is not suitable for uploading large amounts of data, so the test files used as demo are very few and are only used to show the operation and speed of the software. Due to the randomness of the interpolation, dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering processes, there may be some differences between the running results, but the results are generally consistent when the parameters are completely consistent.


SCASL is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.