xslate / p5-Mouse

Lightweight class builder for Perl, as a subset of Moose
46 stars 32 forks source link
moose p5-class-builder perl5


Mouse - Moose minus the antlers


This document describes Mouse version v2.5.11


package Point;
use Mouse; # automatically turns on strict and warnings

has 'x' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');
has 'y' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');

sub clear {
    my($self) = @_;


package Point3D;
use Mouse;

extends 'Point';

has 'z' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');

after 'clear' => sub {
    my($self) = @_;



Moose is a postmodern object system for Perl5. Moose is wonderful.

Unfortunately, Moose has a compile-time penalty. Though significant progress has been made over the years, the compile time penalty is a non-starter for some very specific applications. If you are writing a command-line application or CGI script where startup time is essential, you may not be able to use Moose (we recommend that you instead use persistent Perl executing environments like FastCGI for the latter, if possible).

Mouse is a Moose compatible object system, which aims to alleviate this penalty by providing a subset of Moose's functionality.

We're also going as light on dependencies as possible. Mouse currently has no dependencies except for building/testing modules. Mouse also works without XS, although it has an XS backend to make it much faster.

Moose Compatibility

Compatibility with Moose has been the utmost concern. The sugary interface is highly compatible with Moose. Even the error messages are taken from Moose. The Mouse code just runs its test suite 4x faster.

The idea is that, if you need the extra power, you should be able to run s/Mouse/Moose/g on your codebase and have nothing break. To that end, we have written Any::Moose which will act as Mouse unless Moose is loaded, in which case it will act as Moose. Since Mouse is a little sloppier than Moose, if you run into weird errors, it would be worth running:

ANY_MOOSE=Moose perl your-script.pl

to see if the bug is caused by Mouse. Moose's diagnostics and validation are also better.

See also Mouse::Spec for compatibility and incompatibility with Moose.

Mouse Extentions

Please don't copy MooseX code to MouseX. If you need extensions, you really should upgrade to Moose. We don't need two parallel sets of extensions!

If you really must write a Mouse extension, please contact the Moose mailing list or #moose on IRC beforehand.


$object->meta -> Mouse::Meta::Class

Returns this class' metaclass instance.

extends superclasses

Sets this class' superclasses.

before (method|methods|regexp) => CodeRef

Installs a "before" method modifier. See "before" in Moose.

after (method|methods|regexp) => CodeRef

Installs an "after" method modifier. See "after" in Moose.

around (method|methods|regexp) => CodeRef

Installs an "around" method modifier. See "around" in Moose.

has (name|names) => parameters

Adds an attribute (or if passed an arrayref of names, multiple attributes) to this class. Options:

confess(message) -> BOOM

"confess" in Carp for your convenience.

blessed(value) -> ClassName | undef

"blessed" in Scalar::Util for your convenience.



Importing Mouse will default your class' superclass list to Mouse::Object. You may use "extends" to replace the superclass list.


Please unimport Mouse (no Mouse) so that if someone calls one of the keywords (such as "extends") it will break loudly instead breaking subtly.


Here is the repo: https://github.com/gfx/p5-Mouse.

You can build, test, and release it with Minilla.

cpanm Minilla
minil build
minil test
minil release

Note that Build.PL and README.md are generated by Minilla, so you should not edit them. Edit minil.toml and lib/Mouse.pm instead.










Shawn M Moore <sartak at gmail.com>

Yuval Kogman <nothingmuch at woobling.org>




Goro Fuji (gfx) gfuji@cpan.org

with plenty of code borrowed from Class::MOP and Moose


All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. Please report any bugs to https://github.com/gfx/p5-Mouse/issues.


Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Infinity Interactive, Inc.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.