xubodhu / RDS

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RDS (Reinforced Data Splitting)

The pytorch implementation of "Different Data, Different Modalities! Reinforced Data Splitting for Effective Multimodal Information Extraction from Social Media Posts" (COLING 2022).



We recommend the following actions to create the environment:

conda deactivate # Leaving the current environment
conda create -n RDS python==3.6.13 # Create a new environment with python==3.6.13
conda activate RDS # Activating the environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install the required libraries

Data Download

We use Twitter2015 and Twitter2017 on the MNER task and MNRE on the MRE task. At the end of this section, we provide links to the data and introduce the waht is in the provided links.

Twitter2015 and Twitter2017 (MNER)

We used data about MNER from JefferyYu, from which you can download the original data. Since we need to split the training set, we provide the split training set, which you can download here. Of course, you can also use your own way to split the training set.

Note: In data/twitter2015 and data/twitter2017 at the link we provided , train.txt is the original complete training set, train_pre.txt is 80% of the data randomly selected from train.txt for training the multimodal and unimodal models, and train_rl.txt is 20% of the data randomly selected from train.txt for training the data discriminator.


We used data about MRE from thecharm, from which you can download the original data. We also provide the split training set about MRE, which you can download here.

Note: In benchmark/ours/txt at the link we provided , ours_train.txt is the original complete training set, ours_train_pre.txt is 80% of the data randomly selected from train.txt for training the multimodal and unimodal models, and ours_train_rl.txt is 20% of the data randomly selected from train.txt for training the data discriminator.

We also provide MNER and MRE data in the next contet (contain our split training set data, image data, and raw text data).

Note: In the dowonload links we provide:

Required pre-trained models


In the MNER task, we use bert-base-cased as a text encoder, which you can download here.


In the MRE task ,we use bert-base-uncased as a text encoder, which you can download here.


Our data discriminator includes a pre-trained model CLIP, which you can download here.

Note: After downloading the pre-trained model, it should be placed in the pretrained_models folder to avoid modifying the code.

Multimodal and Unimodal Model Training

We use part of the data (80% of the training set data in the paper, named train_pre.txt or ours_train_pre.txt in the training set we provide) to train multimodal and unimodal models.

We used two multimodal models, UMT and MAF, and one unimodal model, BERT-CRF, in the MNER task.

We used a multimodal model and a unimodal model for MEGA and MTB, respectively, on the MRE task.

At the end of this section, we provide links to the model paramters and introduce what is in the provided links.

UMT (MNER Model)

The model comes from JefferyYu, and you can train the model with the code it provides. We have introduced the model in the code my_bert/mner_modeling.py line-1268 and provided its parameters after training on the Twitter 2015 dataset, which you can download here.

MAF (MNER Model)

The model comes from xubodhu, and you can train the model with the code it provides. We have introduced the model in the code my_bert/mner_modeling.py line-1365 .

BERT-CRF (Text-based NER Model)

The model consists of BERT as the text encoder and CRF as the decoder. We have introduced the model in the code my_bert/mner_modeling.py line-1246 and provided its parameters after training on the Twitter 2015 dataset, which you can download here.

MEGA (MRE Model)

The model comes from thecharm, and you can train the model with the code it provides. We have introduced the model in the code opennre/encoder/bert_encoder line-114 and provided its parameters after training on the MRE dataset, which you can download here. .

MTB (Text-based RE Model)

The model comes from thecharm and its reference OpenNRE for implementation. You can train the model with the code it provides. We have introduced the model in the code opennre/encoder/bert_encoder line-269 and provided its parameters after training on the MRE dataset, which you can download here.

Note: In the download links we provide,

Structure of Files

After you have prepared the required data as well as the model, your file structure should look like this:

 |-- data   # MNER text data
 |    |-- twitter2015
 |    |    |    |-- train.txt   # Training set
 |    |    |    |-- train_pre.txt   # 80% of the training set
 |    |    |    |-- train_rl.txt    # 20% of the training set
 |    |    |    |-- valid.txt   # Validation set
 |    |    |    |-- test.txt    # Test set
 |    |-- twitter2017
 |    |    |    |-- train.txt   # Training set
 |    |    |    |-- train_pre.txt   # 80% of the training set
 |    |    |    |-- train_rl.txt    # 20% of the training set
 |    |    |    |-- valid.txt   # Validation set
 |    |    |    |-- test.txt    # Test set

 |-- IJCAI2019_data # MNER images
 |    |-- twitter2015_images    # Raw images in Twitter 2015
 |    |-- twitter2017_images    # Raw images in Twitter 2017

 |-- benchmark  # MRE text data
 |    |-- ours
 |    |    |    |-- txt # MNRE text data
 |    |    |    |-- rel_1
 |    |    |    |-- imgSG

 |-- mnre_img   # MRE images
 |    |-- img_org
 |    |    |    |-- train   # Raw images in MNRE training set
 |    |    |    |-- val # Raw images in MNRE Validation set
 |    |    |    |-- test    # # Raw images in MNRE Test set

 |-- resnet
 |    |-- resnet_utils.py
 |    |-- resnet.py

 |-- modules
 |    |-- Reward.py # Training data discriminator (MNER)
 |    |-- Reward_mre.py # Training data discriminator (MRE)
 |    |-- Eval.py   
 |    |-- Partitioner.py    
 |    |-- preprocess.py 

 |-- opennre    # MRE Model
 |    |-- model
 |    |-- encoder
 |    |-- ...

 |-- my_bert    # MNER Model
 |    |-- mner_modeling.py
 |    |-- ...

 |-- pretrained_models
 |    |-- bert-base-uncased
 |    |-- bert-base-cased
 |    |-- CLIP_model

 |-- run_mner.py # main (MNER)

 |-- run_mre.py # main (MRE)

 |-- ner_evaluate.py

Training Data Discriminator

We use part of the data (20% of the training set data in the paper, named train_rl.txt in the training set we provide) to train data discriminator.

Before training the data discriminator, it is necessary to ensure that the corresponding multimodal and unimodal models have been trained. In the last part of Model Training, we present the trained models provided in the link.


After you have prepared the required data and models (if you are using Twitter 2015, you can train yourself or use the bert_crf_2015.bin and umt_2015.bin + pytorch_encoder.bin we provide), you can run run_mner.py to train data discriminator on MNER.

python run_mner.py --do_train

MRE Task

After you have prepared the required data and models (you can train yourself or use the MTB.pth.tar and MEGA.pth.tar we provide) , you can run run_mre.py to train data discriminator on MRE.

python run_mre.py --do_train

Test Data Discriminator


After you have prepared the required data, models and trained a data discriminator (if you are using Twitter 2015, you can use the models bert_crf_2015_all.bin , umt_2015_all.bin + pytorch_encoder_2015.bin and prob_2015.txt we provide), you can run run_mner.py to test.

python run_mner.py --do_test

MRE Task

After you have prepared the required data, models and trained a data discriminator (you can use the models MTB_all_pth.tar, MEGA_all.pth.tar and prob_mre.txt we provide), you can run run_mre.py to test.

python run_mre.py --do_test