xuchunyang / osx-dictionary.el

Mac OS X Dictionary.app interface for Emacs
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OSX Dictionary.app interface for Emacs



osx-dictionary is inspired by dictionary.vim. osx-dictionary provides functions which invoke Dictionary.app from Mac OS X.


Install from MELPA with:

M-x package-install RET osx-dictionary RET


Sample configuration

;; Support Chinese word
;; (setq osx-dictionary-use-chinese-text-segmentation t)

;; Key bindings
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'osx-dictionary-search-word-at-point)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c i") 'osx-dictionary-search-input)

;; Work with popwin-el (https://github.com/m2ym/popwin-el)
;; (push "*osx-dictionary*" popwin:special-display-config)

Here is a screenshot of a sample usage: Imgur

Note on Chinese word support

GNU Emacs itself has no idea what a Chinese word is, If you want Emacs to get the most likely Chinese word under the cursor, you have to set osx-dictionary-use-chinese-text-segmentation to t and install a Chinese word segmentation tool, please refer to chinese-word-at-point#prerequisite for more info.
