We propose a novel unsupervised method AXOLOTL to identify aberrant gene expression events in RNA expression matrix. The method is useful for rare disease diagnosis. AXOLOTL effectively addresses biological confounders by incorporating co-expression constraints. The manuscript is being submitted to peer review jounrnals Jan 2024.
We recommend to run AXO in docker enviroments. Create two docker image enviroments as follows:
R enviroment named 'r4.2:jammy': install OUTRIDER in R-4.2 using Dockerfile.
cd ubuntu22_r4_outrider
docker build --tag r4.2:jammy .
python enviroment named 'py3' install OutSingle and AXOLOTL python enviroment using Dockerfile. They is mainly implemented in python, thus data analysis modules (numpy, pandas, etc.) are needed.
cd ../py3_outsingle
docker build --tag py3 .
Demo cohort have 1000 genes x 36 samples. Input: A RNA-seq expression matrix /testdata/df_cts.txt. Output: A aberrant score matrix /test/df_cts.txt.
Run AXO on demo data as:
bash script/demo.sh
You may also have interest on https://github.com/gagneurlab/OUTRIDER & https://github.com/esalkovic/outsingle.