xuyanyu-shh / Saliency-detection-in-360-video

Saliency Detection in 360$^\circ$ Videos (ECCV2018)
MIT License
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Saliency Detection in 360° Videos


This figure indicates how spherical crown kernel changes on sphere and projected panorama from north pole to south pole with angle interval equaling π=4. The first row is the region of the spherical crown kernel on sphere. The second row shows the region of spherical crown kernel on the projected panorama. The third row shows sampling grid corresponding to each kernel location. Red curve represents θ sampling grid and blue curve represents φ sampling grid.


This repo contains the codes that used in paper Saliency Detection in 360° Videos by Ziheng Zhang, Yanyu Xu, Jingyi Yu and Shenghua Gao.


File structure

- test.py
  purpose: Provides a simple test model that uses spherical convolution.
- spherical_unet.py
  purpose: Provides the implementation of Spherical U-Net that we used in our paper.
- train.py
  purpose: Provides training codes for Spherical U-Net.
- data.py
  purpose: Provides the dataloader for our dataset to train Spherical U-Net.
- sconv
  - functional
    - common.py
      Purpose: Contains some helper functions used in sphercal convolution.
    - sconv.py
      Purpose: Provides the spherical convolution function for Pytorch.
    - spad.py
      Purpose: Provides the spherical pooling function for Pytorch.
  - module
    - sconv.py
      Purpose: Provides the spherical convolution module for Pytorch.
    - smse.py
      Purpose: Provides the spherical mean-square loss module for Pytorch.
    - spad.py
      Purpose: Provides the spherical padding module for Pytorch.
    - spool.py
      Purpose: Provides the spherical pooling module for Pytorch.


The spherical convolution is written in pure python with pytorch, so that no compiling proceedure is needed. One can just pull and run all the codes in this repo. We currently provide a sample model in test.py that uses spherical convolution layers. The model and checkpoint that used in original paper will be released later.

Known issues


You can download our dataset [Baidu Pan] (code:p0a5), which consists of 104 videos. There are 12 zip files, and train/test index. After downloading these zips, unzip them together. There are 104 files and 'vinfo.pkl'. Each file consists of .jpg (RGB image) and .npy (ground truth heatmaps). The 'pkl' file consists of the original groud truth gaze points of the observers.



This project is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


If you find this repo useful in your research, please consider citing:

        author = {Zhang, Ziheng and Xu, Yanyu and Yu, Jingyi and Gao, Shenghua},
        title = {Saliency Detection in 360° Videos},
        booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
        month = {September},
        year = {2018}