xuyuzhuang11 / Werewolf

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Werewolf Multi-Agents Arena

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This repository is the code for the paper "Exploring Large Language Models for Communication Games: An Empirical Study on Werewolf". In this paper, we explore the problem of how to engage large language models (LLMs) in communication games, and in response, propose a tuning-free framework. Our approach keeps LLMs frozen, and relies on the retrieval and reflection on past communications and experiences for improvement. An empirical study on the representative and widely-studied communication game, "Werewolf", demonstrates that our framework can effectively play Werewolf game without tuning the parameters of the LLMs. More importantly, strategic behaviors begin to emerge in our experiments, suggesting that it will be a fruitful journey to engage LLMs in communication games and associated domains.


The experiments in this paper were all completed on a personal laptop, and its running software and hardware environment are as follows:

In this environment, to prevent infinite loops and ensure data validity, any gameplay instances that exceed 2 hours or 12 "days and nights (in game)" will be discarded.


We implement werewolf game based on the open-source multi-LLM chat environment, ChatArena. To use these codes, you should clone this repository to your local machine, enter the code folder, and install it.

git clone https://github.com/xuyuzhuang11/Werewolf.git
cd Werewolf
pip install -e .

Since using ChatGPT requires an API authorized by OpenAI, you need to configure the API after installing the openai package, like this:

# here in your terminal, xxxxxxx is a valid API

At this point, you don't need to use the --use-api-server argument, because you are not using a self-constructed API server. If you want to use ChatGPT services by connecting to a self-constructed server, you first need to add the --use-api-server argument when running werewolf game, assigning it a certain value to represent the server number being used. Moreover, you need to correctly configure the server connection in line 74 of the chatarena/backends/openai.py file.

if method == 1:
    # Warning!!! If you use your self-constructed API server, you should configure it here.
    url = "http://***********"
    data = {
            "model": self.model,
            "messages": messages,
            "temperature": temperature,
            "max_tokens": max_toks,
            "stop": STOP
    data = json.dumps(data)
    print(f"  Temperature: {temperature}, Max_tokens: {max_toks}", file=sys.stderr)
    completion = requests.post(url=url, data=data, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username="****",password="****")).json()
    # print(completion)
    response = completion['choices'][0]['message']['content']

Play Werewolf Game

The main script to play multi-agent werewolf game is in run_werewolf_parallel.sh file, which provide a method to generate several gameplay instances in a parallel way. After configuring the environment, you can run it to generate gameplays:

bash run_werewolf_parallel.sh

Common Q&As


Although we have implemented the game environment as carefully as possible, low-level errors are still difficult to avoid. We welcome other researchers to help us enhance the overall quality of this code framework, including improvements to rules, code refinement, method enhancement, etc. Contributions through issues or pull requests (PRs) are highly appreciated.


This code is released under the MIT license, allowing you to freely use them within its framework. However, please note not to forget to cite the work as follows.


If you found this work useful, please consider citing:

  title={Exploring large language models for communication games: An empirical study on werewolf},
  author={Xu, Yuzhuang and Wang, Shuo and Li, Peng and Luo, Fuwen and Wang, Xiaolong and Liu, Weidong and Liu, Yang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04658},