xvxx / phroxy

🕸️ web <-> gopher proxy
MIT License
6 stars 0 forks source link
gopher http proxy

:warning: phroxy is no longer in development and has been archived. thanks for all the fun. :warning:

`phroxy` is a small, multi-threaded web server that proxies Gopher requests through HTTP. It's meant to be run locally or behind an HTTPS proxy and was written for [gogo](https://github.com/xvxx/gogo), a WebKit-based Gopher desktop client. To use it locally, run `phroxy` in a terminal then visit its URL in your favorite web browser. You'll be burrowin' through the Gophersphere in no time! If you want to setup a private instance of phroxy on the real web so you can browse Gopher using your tablet or TV, we recommend running it behind an HTTPS proxy like [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/v1/): $ cat Caddyfile your-website.com proxy / localhost:8080 $ sudo caddy -host your-website.com # in another terminal: $ phroxy -p 8080 Listening at Behind the scenes, phroxy attempts to make all Gopher connections using "secure Gopher" (TLS). If that doesn't work, it drops to a regular TCP connection. ## screenies |![Screenshot](./img/cabin.png)|![Screenshot](./img/sdf.png)| |:-:|:-:| | The Lonely Cabin | sdf.org | |![Screenshot](./img/correct.png)|![Screenshot](./img/gopherproject.png)| |:-:|:-:| | gopherproject.org | gopherproject.org | ## usage phroxy [options] Options: -p, --port NUM Port to bind to. -h, --host NAME Hostname to bind to. -g, --gopher URL Default Gopher URL to load. Other flags: -h, --help Print this screen. -v, --version Print phroxy version. ## installation phroxy is currently only available through https://crates.io/: cargo install phroxy You can also build a release binary yourself by cloning this repository: git clone https://github.com/xvxx/phroxy cd phroxy cargo build --release ./target/release/phroxy -h ## development cargo run -- -p 8080 You can set the start screen to your own Gopher server. [phd][phd] perhaps? # start gopher phd ┬ Listening on at /Users/randy/Code/phroxy # then start phroxy cargo run -- -p 8080 -g # and visit it in your web browser open ## credits phroxy's design is based on [phetch](https://github.com/xvxx/phetch) and inspired by [Gaufre](https://gitlab.com/commonshost/gaufre). The proxy idea comes from older gopher/web proxy sites like https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/. It was made for gogo, which was inspired by lartu's [OpenNapkin](https://github.com/Lartu/OpenNapkin) client. ## todo - [ ] man page