xwp / wp-plugin-dependencies

WordPress plugin dependency management.
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Plugin Dependencies

Plugin dependency management

Contributors: scribu, xwp, kucrut, jrf
Tags: plugin, dependency
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: trunk (master)
License: GPLv2 or later

Build Status


This meta-plugin allows regular plugins to specify other plugins that they depend upon.


Plugin Name: BuddyPress Debug
Depends: BuddyPress, Debug Bar

What this does:

= Enriching dependency information =

Unfortunately, very few plugins currently contain dependency information. If you'd like to enhance the information available to this plugin, you might want to install the Known Plugin Dependencies plugin which acts as an add-on to this one.

Development of this plugin is done on GitHub. Pull requests welcome. Please see issues reported there before going to the plugin forum.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a user doesn't have Plugin Dependencies installed?

Nothing. The Depends: header will simply be ignored.

Can I have grand-child plugins?

Yes, the dependency chain can go as deep as you want.

Defining virtual packages

Say you have some useful functions that you would like to package up as a library plugin:

Plugin Name: Facebook Lib
Provides: lib-facebook

Now, dependant plugins can specify 'lib-facebook' as a dependency:

Plugin Name: Cool Facebook Plugin
Depends: lib-facebook

Besides being more robust, the Provides: header allows multiple plugins to implement the same set of functionality and be used interchangeably.









Upgrade Notice
