Planes is a variant of battleships game implemented with Qt, C++ for desktop and with Java and Kotlin for Android. The current website of the project is :
3 versions of the game of Planes are implemented with Qt: PlanesWidget, first naive version, PlanesGraphicsScene an implementation using QGraphicsScene, PlanesQML an implementation using QML. These use a game engine programmed in C++.
The Android application is currently developed in Kotlin. The older version of the Android application in Java still exists in the repository for reference.
Starting with version 0.3.16 for the desktop version and version 0.4.0 for the Android app, a multiplayer module is included.
In the releases section you will find a detailed documentation of the C++ part of the project. (TheGameOfPlanes.pdf)
For Windows:
For Linux
The easiest way is to use the Planes.x.y.z-x86_64.AppImage or Planes_Multiplayer.x.y.z-x86_64.AppImage directly on your Linux machine. Alternatively you could:
For Android
or get the app directly from Google Play Store: or from F-Droid:
For the C++ projects PlanesWidget, PlanesGraphicsScene and PlanesQML, you will find the compilation and installation instructions in the Appendix of the pdf documentation - see the Releases page (available after Release 0.3.1)
The C++ projects include unittests. These are grouped under 2 CMake projects: singleroundtests and commobjtests. To run the tests under Linux, install the software and then run the script To run the tests under Windows run the corresponding executables found in the bin folder of the installation. The Android project include the equivalent of the singleroundtests as well as instrumented tests for fragments. You can run them from inside the Android Studio.