xyu / elasticsearch-whatson

Whatson, an Elasticsearch Consulting Detective
MIT License
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Whatson — ES Consulting Detective

Whatson is an elasticsearch plugin to visualize the state of a cluster. It's inpired by other excellent plugins:

And designed to give a more compact view of key cluster stats especially useful for large clusters with lots of nodes or lots of indices.

"Hosted" Version

Whatson can be used directly from its GitHub Pages site without installation. Just click the icon next to "Not Connected" on the top navbar and configure the elasticsearch host Whatson should connect to. Boom.



To install Whatson run the Elasticsearch plugin installer on any node:

bin/plugin install xyu/elasticsearch-whatson/0.1.3

Access the plugin by going to the Whatson plugin site. (E.g. http://localhost:9200/_plugin/whatson/)

Whatson will automatically connects to the host the plugin is running on with a refresh interval of 5 seconds. To connect to a different cluster or to use another refresh interval click on the status indicator to the right of the cluster name on the topmost bar.


When Whatson starts available data nodes, indices and their shards will be shown.


The nodes section will show a bar chart of available disk on each node. The bars are color coded as follows:

The red line drawn across the graph shows the percentage of deleted docs on each node.

The indices section will show a bar chart showing size of each index in the cluster color coded by the state of the index (green / yellow / red). The primary size is shown in a darker shade as compared to the total index size.

Below each index shards contained within the index will be shown colored corresponding to the size of the primary shard. If any shard exists in an error state they will be colored as follows:

The red line drawn across the graph shows the percentage of deleted docs in each index.

To inspect the state of underlaying Lucene segments first select a index or shard within an index. Once selected something like the following will be shown.

Segments Visualization

Segments are drawn on a logarithmic scale based on the byte size of the segment and should resemble the visualizations in the Visualizing Lucene’s Segment Merges blog post by Mike McCandless. The bars are color coded as follows:

The red line drawn across the graph shows the percentage of deleted docs within each segment.

Release Notes






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