This extension inverts brightness of web pages and aims to reduce eyestrain while browsing the web. Visit Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons for more info.
Donate via Open Collective.
Improve or suggest a translation here. See the list of supported language codes.
If some site is already dark, you can add it to dark-sites.config file (please, preserve alphabetical order).
If some parts of web-pages are wrongly inverted, you can specify necessary CSS selectors at dynamic-theme-fixes.config file (for Dynamic Theme mode) or inversion-fixes.config file (for Filter and Filter+ modes) (please, preserve alphabetical order by URL, use short selectors, preserve code style).
Notice that merged changes to these files are automatically delivered to all users within 15 minutes.
class="icon small"
selector may look like .icon
INVERT .icon
- *WARNING:* For **Dynamic Theme mode** use `INVERT` only for dark images, that are invisible on dark backgrounds (icons, diagrams, charts, `<img>` and `<svg>` elements).
Image analysis will be improved in future and this rule should become unnecessary.
- **For Filter and Filter+ config** it is also possible to specify custom CSS rules. If chosen element contains images or other content that becomes wrongly displayed, `NO INVERT` rule can be used. `REMOVE BG` removes background image from element.
*IMPORTANT: When Dark mode is on, the whole page (root `<html>` element) is inverted by filter. To revert the images, videos etc. `INVERT` selectors are used, so the inversion will be applied to these elements twice. If inverted elements contain other elements that match the `INVERT` selectors, then these elements will be inverted 3 or more times. To prevent it `NO INVERT` selectors are used.*
INVERT .icon .button
REMOVE BG .bg-photo
CSS .overlay { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); }
- Click **Apply**.
- If the **fix worked** open
**[dynamic-theme-fixes.config]( file**
or **[inversion-fixes.config]( file**.
- Click **edit** (sign-in to GitHub first).
- **Insert your fix** there. Preserve **alphabetical order** by URL.
- Provide a **short description** of what you have done.
- Click **Propose file change**.
- Review your changes. Click **Create pull request**.
- The Travis CI will run tests reviewing your changes.
- If you see a **red cross** click **Details** and see what is wrong and edit existing Pull Request.
- When you see a **green checkmark** than everything is fine.
- Dark Reader developer will **review** and merge your changes making them available for all users.
### Adding new features or fixing bugs
If you would like to **add new feature** to Dark Reader or **fix a bug**, **submit an issue** in GitHub (if there is no existing one), **discuss** it with active contributors, wait for **approvement**.
In order to build and debug the extension **install the [Node.js](** LTS.
Install development dependencies by running `npm install` in project root folder.
Then execute `npm run debug`.
#### Chrome
Open the `chrome://extensions` page.
Disable the official Dark Reader version.
Enable the **Developer mode**.
Click **Load unpacked extension** button, navigate to project's `debug/` folder.
#### Firefox
Open `about:addons` page.
Disable the official Dark Reader version.
Open `about:debugging#addons` page.
Click **Load Temporary Add-on** button, open `debug-firefox/manifest.json` file.
After making any code changes the project will be automatically recompiled.
If the extension **didn't reload** automatically it can be reloaded manually on the extensions page.
For editing the code you can use any text editor or web IDE (like [Visual Studio Code](, [Atom](, [WebStorm](
**Preserve code style** (whitespaces etc).
Run tests by executing `npm test`.
Submit a **pull request**, wait for **review**.
## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
## Backers
Thank you to all our backers!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
## Sponsors
Support this project by [becoming a sponsor](
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