xyzzer / WinRTXamlToolkit

WinRT XAML Toolkit
282 stars 67 forks source link

Project Description

A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.

Project Status

The development of WinRT XAML Toolkit slowed down around 2013 with only a few limited updates and a complete freeze around 2018 as work and life took over, some parts were replaced by things like WinUI, UWP Community Toolkit or other, better supported libraries. I have a notebook with tons of ideas and a backlog of bugs to fix the I haven't looked at in about a decade. At this stage I would try cross-referencing questions here with Stack Overflow to increase the change of getting an answer. If you see a bug that needs fixing - you will most likely need to fix it yourself. I might consider a pull request and publish an update to NuGet with fixes and improvements.

Currently (2024) looking into updating some of it for WinUI3 to use some of the tools in other projects. Use the release/UWP branch if you need to look at the UWP version code.

Most of the information below has not been updated since about 2015.


This project is not managed by Microsoft. Its coordinator is currently employed by Microsoft, but the project has mostly been developed earlier and continues to be developed outside of work hours. It is not a full port of the Silverlight Toolkit, though it includes ported versions of some of its controls. This does not diminish the value of the code that is part of it and that you are free to use and modify. Attribution is welcomed, but not required.

How do I use it?

Clone the full source code or just the snippet you find useful. Be sure to try the samples! Ask questions on Stack Overflow.

For current version for UWP (Windows 10 and Windows Phone 10) use NuGet

For older version for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 use NuGet

For even older versions supporting Windows 8.0 and newer


Work in Progress

The libraries are just a set of helper methods and controls that I found useful to fill the gaps in Windows Runtime XAML framework and continues to evolve.

Wanted Additions


Please share your experience with the toolkit in the Issues page.

Related Projects (list from 2015 - links may not be up to date)

Commercial component libraries

This library gives you some helpful controls and extensions, but it is an open source project developed in free time. If you need controls not available here and otherwise well tested controls - consider the commercial solutions.