xzyfer / us-travel-checklist

Experiment using Github as a crowd soucing platform
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What is this?

This is my fun little experiment to see if Github's crowd source model could be leveraged, given adequate exposure, for something as simple as a todo list.

Why am I doing this?

Most threads I read regarding overseas travel, especially to the US I find overly touristy. I'm not one for hikes through national parks, or going to Disney Land.

I want to travel San Francisco the way people should travel Melbourne, Australia. Talking to locals, wandering the city's laneways for days with no plans. Discovering all the hidden awesomeness it has to offer.

I'll be spending the majority of my time there working with local collegues who I'm sure will show me a great time. But I'd like to break away and get lost :) My intention is to collect, and curate a set of individual, uniquely SF experiences that I can share back with you all, and anyone who stumbles across this is via Google :)

How can you help?

Long story short, I'm travelling to San Francisco for ~2 months (Aug/Sep) this year primarily, but by no means limited to, San Francisco. I've been to the US before, spending the majority of that time in Las Vegas, NV. Looking for some fun stuff to do. The kinds of things the locals do that you don't read about in the travel guides.


Please open a pull request or issue with your suggestion. I'll review it, and if it tickles my fancy, I'll add it below. I'll add updates in the form of mini-blogs, vlog, or photos.

If a local's pizza or taco suggestion gets shortlisted, lunch is on me!

For pizza suggestions, please see here.

For taco suggestions, please see here.

About me

I'm a 25 year old Australian male web developer working for a successful web start up. I spend most of my days neck deep in (s)css and javascript and love it!

My interests include:

TL;DR I'm an Australian web developer spending two Aug/Sep in the US, primarily but not limited San Francisco. Looking for fun (non- touristy) stuff to do. I wonder if I can crowd source github for ideas.

Please open a pull request, or twitter @xzyfer, with your suggestion. I'll review it, and if it tickles my fancy, I'll add it below. I'll add updates in the form of mini-blogs, vlog, or photos.

Also please make my trip awesome by helping this go viral!

UPDATE response has been awesome, thanks everyone.


Preflight (what I should do/organise before I arrive)


These are things that for one reason or another I've opted against doing. I still appreciate all the suggestions but now that I'm here I have a clearer idea of what I want out of my time :)