y-u-a-n-l-i / Climate_NeRF

This is the official repo for PyTorch implementation of paper "ClimateNeRF: Extreme Weather Synthesis in Neural Radiance Field", ICCV 2023.
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ClimateNeRF: Extreme Weather Synthesis in Neural Radiance Field

This is the official repo for PyTorch implementation of paper "ClimateNeRF: Extreme Weather Synthesis in Neural Radiance Field", ICCV 2023.

Paper | Project Page


🌦️ Prerequisites

This project is tested on:

🌦️ Setup


potential bugs 1. Bug: when installing `tinycudann` ``` ... {PATH_TO}/tiny-cuda-nn/dependencies/json/json.hpp:3954:14: fatal error: filesystem: No such file or directory #include ^~~~~~~~~~~~ ``` Solution in https://github.com/NVlabs/tiny-cuda-nn/issues/352 is recommended. If CUDA 11.3 is used, gcc-9 will be recommended. 2. Bug: when installing `pydensecrf` ``` 'MatrixXf' is not a type identifier ``` Solution in https://github.com/lucasb-eyer/pydensecrf/issues/123#issuecomment-1644856641 is recommended. 3. Bug: when using shadow predictor: ``` No such file or directory: '/media/data/chenzhihao/code/MTMT/backbone_pth/resnext_101_32x4d.pth' ``` Download resnext model from this [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dnH-IHwmu9xFPlyndqI6MfF4LvH6JKNQ/view) provided by [MTMT](https://github.com/eraserNut/MTMT) and changing `resnext_101_32_path` in `datasets/shadow_tools/MTMT/networks/resnext/config.py` into where you put resnext's checkpoint.


  1. TanksAndTemple dataset:

We use the download link from ARF. Download and extract by:

pip install gdown
gdown 10Tj-0uh_zIIXf0FZ6vT7_te90VsDnfCU
unzip TanksAndTempleBG.zip && mv TanksAndTempleBG tnt
  1. Kitti-360 dataset:

We use the download link from Panoptic NeRF. We use the same data folder sructure as the one in Panoptic NeRF.

  1. Colmap dataset:

We mainly test our project on garden scene in mipnerf360 dataset.


Scene reconstruction with semantic predictions.

To train our model with semantic predictions, users need to set render_semantic in config files to be True. Moreover, users need to set $SEM_CONF and $SEM_CKPT to where they put semantic config file and predictor's checkpoint which downloaded from mmsegmentation.

Model Parameters

python -m utility.vanishing_point --dataset <DATASET_TYPE> -root_dir <DATA_ROOT> -output plane.npy


The configuration of each scene could be adjusted in the config files under configs/, and we provide partial training/rendering/simulation scripts under scripts/.

In the following we use TanksAndTemple Playground scene as example, please edit the paths, experiment names accordingly. You can also run all the following together with bash scripts/tanks/playground.sh, and the output images and videos are under results/.



python train.py --config configs/Playground.txt --exp_name playground \
    --root_dir $DATA_ROOT --sem_conf_path $SEM_CONF --sem_ckpt_path $SEM_CKPT

Novel View Synthesis

python render.py --config configs/Playground.txt --exp_name playground \
    --root_dir $DATA_ROOT \
    --weight_path $CKPT \
    --render_depth --render_depth_raw --render_normal --render_semantic


python stylize.py --config configs/Playground.txt \
    --weight_path $CKPT --num_epochs 10

🌫️ Smog Simulation

python render.py --config configs/Playground.txt --exp_name playground-smog \
    --root_dir $DATA_ROOT \
    --weight_path $CKPT \
    --simulate smog --chunk_size -1 

🌊 Flood Simulation

python render.py --config configs/Playground.txt --exp_name playground-flood \
    --root_dir $DATA_ROOT \
    --weight_path $CKPT \
    --simulate water \
    --plane_path $DATA_ROOT/plane.npy \
    --anti_aliasing_factor 2 --chunk_size 600000

❄️ Snow Simulation

First make snow by:

python make_snow.py --config configs/Playground.txt --exp_name playground-snow \
    --weight_path $STYLIZED_CKPT \
    --weight_path_origin_scene $CKPT \
    --mb_size 5.e-3 --num_epochs 20

Set $CKPT_SNOW to the checkpoint generated by make_snow.py and render

python render.py --config configs/Playground.txt \
    --weight_path $CKPT_SNOW \
    --simulate snow --exp_name playground-snow --chunk_size 65535 --mb_size 5.e-3


The code was built on ngp_pl. Thanks kwea123 for the great project!