y805939188 / react-vue-micro-frame

Load a vue component in a react project as easily as an <iframe /> tag.(在react中像加载一个iframe一样加载vue的微前端组件)
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React micro-frontends component that loads vue

  This is a single-spa based react micro front-end component

  I have a dream, I hope that can load a components of other frameworks as simple as loading a <iframe> tag in a react project.

Experience an demo

git clone git@github.com:y805939188/react-vue-micro-frame.git
cd react-vue-micro-frame
npm install
npm run start

How to use

npm install --save react-vue-micro-frame
  /** Load remote components **/
  import React from 'react';
  import VueFrame from 'react-vue-micro-frame';
  const Test = () => (
      <VueFrame jsurl="http://originPath/vueComponent.umd.js"/>
  /** Load local components **/
  import React from 'react';
  import VueFrame from 'react-vue-micro-frame';
  import VueComponent from './vueComponent.vue';
  const Test = () => (
      <VueFrame componet={VueComponent} />
  /** You can also load a remote react component **/
  import React from 'react';
  import { ReactFrame } from 'react-vue-micro-frame';
  const Test = () => (
      <ReactFrame jsurl="http://reactComponentAddress.umd.js" />

  NOTE: Components development must use the umd specification.
  I recommend using "vue-cli" to write a "vue" component.
  How to write a "vue" component with use "vue-cli"
  And you can use the elf-cli to easily create a react component that meets the umd.


Only jsurl or component attributes are required, other parameters are optional parameter type need features
jsurl string jsurl and component must be one of two js script of the remote vue or react component
component VueComponent jsurl and component must be one of two local vue component
extraProps Object not necessary properties passed to the component
visible boolean not necessary whether to show component
cssurl string not necessary The address of the remote css. If determine that this address has a css file, you can use this property
name string not necessary The name of the remote component
loadType 'xhr' or 'script' not necessary The way to load remote components, using xhr has cross-domain risks. When there is cross-domain risks, it will be forced to use script loading.
