ya55en / git-goodies

Useful git-related add-ons and configs
MIT License
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A git-aware section for your PS1 prompt

What is it?

I wanted a git-aware prompt and was not able to get other things working the way I wanted (my fault, definitely). On the other hand I wanted to remind myself C coding (didn't do that since ~ 1993) so I decided to combine these two into one -- code in C a super simple and lightweight git-aware prompt add-on for my bash PS1! ;)

How does it look like?

(Working on providing screenshots, stay tuned.)


To be able to build the ps1-4git binary, you need a C compiler as well as make installed on your system.

The following will do that for you on Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential make

Build and install

To make use of this utility -- download, build and install:

$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/yassen-itlabs/git-goodies.git
$ cd git-goodies/ps1
$ make && sudo make install
$ source ~/.bashrc

What happened during the install?

The make install step should have added to your ~/.bashrc a line that appends ps1-4git output to your PS1 prompt, similar to what is shown below:

PS1="$PS1\$(git status 2>&1 | ps1-4git -n)"

The ps1-4git binary outputs such a line when called with --4bashrc, like:

ps1-4git --4bashrc >> ~/.bashrc"  # make sure you do not add this multiple times

What other command line arguments are supported?

See ps1-4git --help.


When you decide you want to get rid of ps1-4git, just go to the git-goodies/ps1 directory (or clone it as shown in the Build and Install section) and execute sudo make uninstall:

$ cd git-goodies/ps1
$ sudo make uninstall

After that, you can safely remove the repo directory itself like:

cd ~/parent-where-git-goodies-is/
rm -rf git-goodies


You probably don't need to do this (unless you want to make changes to the code and possibly submit a pull request). Still, if you need or want to, read further.

To be able to build and run the tests, you need CUnit development package installed on your system.

On Debian/Ubuntu this can be done with:

$ sudo apt-get install libcunit1-dev

(tested and working on Ubuntu 18.04).

As soon as you have that, going to the ps1/ directory and running make test should work:

$ cd git-goodies/ps1
$ make test

Expected output:

user@host:~/some-dir/git-goodies/ps1$ make test
gcc  -O2 -march=native ps1-4git.c tests/test-ps1-4git.c -Wall -Wfloat-equal -Wextra  -lcunit -o tests/test-ps1-4git

All tests passed - OK


Released under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2019, Yassen Damyanov

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.

You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program (see LICENSE text file).

If not, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.


Primary author/maintainer (for now):

Yassen Damyanov <yassen.damyanov.bg -AT- gmail.com>